The pleasantest part of the occasion by far, to Clennam, was the

painfullest. When Mr and Mrs Meagles at last hung about Pet in the room

with the two pictures (where the company were not), before going with

her to the threshold which she could never recross to be the old Pet and

the old delight, nothing could be more natural and simple than the three

were. Gowan himself was touched, and answered Mr Meagles's 'O Gowan,

take care of her, take care of her!' with an earnest 'Don't be so

broken-hearted, sir. By Heaven I will!'

And so, with the last sobs and last loving words, and a last look to

Clennam of confidence in his promise, Pet fell back in the carriage,

and her husband waved his hand, and they were away for Dover; though not

until the faithful Mrs Tickit, in her silk gown and jet black curls, had

rushed out from some hiding-place, and thrown both her shoes after

the carriage: an apparition which occasioned great surprise to the

distinguished company at the windows.

The said company being now relieved from further attendance, and the

chief Barnacles being rather hurried (for they had it in hand just

then to send a mail or two which was in danger of going straight to its

destination, beating about the seas like the Flying Dutchman, and to

arrange with complexity for the stoppage of a good deal of important

business otherwise in peril of being done), went their several ways;

with all affability conveying to Mr and Mrs Meagles that general

assurance that what they had been doing there, they had been doing at a

sacrifice for Mr and Mrs Meagles's good, which they always conveyed to

Mr John Bull in their official condescension to that most unfortunate


A miserable blank remained in the house and in the hearts of the father

and mother and Clennam. Mr Meagles called only one remembrance to his

aid, that really did him good. 'It's very gratifying, Arthur,' he said, 'after all, to look back upon.' 'The past?' said Clennam. 'Yes--but I mean the company.' It had made him much more low and unhappy at the time, but now it really

did him good. 'It's very gratifying,' he said, often repeating the

remark in the course of the evening. 'Such high company!' Copyright 2016 - 2024