'But the idea, Amy, of YOU coming behind! I never did!' As her sister

said this in no very cordial tone of welcome, she conducted her to a

more open part of the maze, where various golden chairs and tables were

heaped together, and where a number of young ladies were sitting on

anything they could find, chattering. All these young ladies wanted

ironing, and all had a curious way of looking everywhere while they

chattered. Just as the sisters arrived here, a monotonous boy in a Scotch cap put

his head round a beam on the left, and said, 'Less noise there, ladies!'

and disappeared. Immediately after which, a sprightly gentleman with a

quantity of long black hair looked round a beam on the right, and said,

'Less noise there, darlings!' and also disappeared.

'The notion of you among professionals, Amy, is really the last thing

I could have conceived!' said her sister. 'Why, how did you ever get

here?' 'I don't know. The lady who told you I was here, was so good as to bring

me in.' 'Like you quiet little things! You can make your way anywhere, I

believe. I couldn't have managed it, Amy, though I know so much more of

the world.' It was the family custom to lay it down as family law, that she was a

plain domestic little creature, without the great and sage experience of

the rest. This family fiction was the family assertion of itself against

her services. Not to make too much of them.

'Well! And what have you got on your mind, Amy? Of course you have

got something on your mind about me?' said Fanny. She spoke as if her

sister, between two and three years her junior, were her prejudiced

grandmother. 'It is not much; but since you told me of the lady who gave you the

bracelet, Fanny--' The monotonous boy put his head round the beam on the left, and said,

'Look out there, ladies!' and disappeared. The sprightly gentleman with

the black hair as suddenly put his head round the beam on the right, and

said, 'Look out there, darlings!' and also disappeared. Thereupon all

the young ladies rose and began shaking their skirts out behind.

'Well, Amy?' said Fanny, doing as the rest did; 'what were you going to

say?' 'Since you told me a lady had given you the bracelet you showed me,

Fanny, I have not been quite easy on your account, and indeed want to

know a little more if you will confide more to me.'

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