'The matter?' He stared for a moment, and then dropped his head and eyes

again. 'No, William, no. Nothing is the matter.' 'If you could be persuaded to smarten yourself up a little, Frederick--' 'Aye, aye!' said the old man hurriedly. 'But I can't be. I can't be.

Don't talk so. That's all over.'

The Father of the Marshalsea glanced at a passing Collegian with whom he

was on friendly terms, as who should say, 'An enfeebled old man, this;

but he is my brother, sir, my brother, and the voice of Nature is

potent!' and steered his brother clear of the handle of the pump by the

threadbare sleeve. Nothing would have been wanting to the perfection of

his character as a fraternal guide, philosopher and friend, if he had

only steered his brother clear of ruin, instead of bringing it upon him.

'I think, William,' said the object of his affectionate consideration,

'that I am tired, and will go home to bed.'

'My dear Frederick,' returned the other, 'don't let me detain you; don't

sacrifice your inclination to me.' 'Late hours, and a heated atmosphere, and years, I suppose,' said

Frederick, 'weaken me.' 'My dear Frederick,' returned the Father of the Marshalsea, 'do you

think you are sufficiently careful of yourself? Do you think your habits

are as precise and methodical as--shall I say as mine are? Not to revert

again to that little eccentricity which I mentioned just now, I doubt if

you take air and exercise enough, Frederick. Here is the parade, always

at your service. Why not use it more regularly than you do?' 'Hah!' sighed the other.

'Yes, yes, yes, yes.' 'But it is of no use saying yes, yes, my dear Frederick,' the Father

of the Marshalsea in his mild wisdom persisted, 'unless you act on that

assent. Consider my case, Frederick. I am a kind of example. Necessity

and time have taught me what to do. At certain stated hours of the day,

you will find me on the parade, in my room, in the Lodge, reading the

paper, receiving company, eating and drinking. I have impressed upon Amy

during many years, that I must have my meals (for instance) punctually.

Amy has grown up in a sense of the importance of these arrangements, and

you know what a good girl she is.'

The brother only sighed again, as he plodded dreamily along, 'Hah! Yes,

yes, yes, yes.' 'My dear fellow,' said the Father of the Marshalsea, laying his hand

upon his shoulder, and mildly rallying him--mildly, because of his

weakness, poor dear soul; 'you said that before, and it does not express

much, Frederick, even if it means much. I wish I could rouse you, my

good Frederick; you want to be roused.'

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