'Thank you, sir, I am sure--Miss;' here Young John turned the great hat

round and round upon his left-hand, like a slowly twirling mouse-cage;

'Miss Amy quite well, sir?' 'Yes, John, yes; very well. She is out.'

'Indeed, sir?' 'Yes, John. Miss Amy is gone for an airing. My young people all go out a

good deal. But at their time of life, it's natural, John.'

'Very much so, I am sure, sir.' 'An airing. An airing. Yes.'

He was blandly tapping his fingers on

the table, and casting his eyes up at the window. 'Amy has gone for

an airing on the Iron Bridge. She has become quite partial to the Iron

Bridge of late, and seems to like to walk there better than anywhere.'

He returned to conversation. 'Your father is not on duty at present, I

think, John?' 'No, sir, he comes on later in the afternoon.' Another twirl of the

great hat, and then Young John said, rising, 'I am afraid I must wish

you good day, sir.' 'So soon? Good day, Young John. Nay, nay,' with the utmost

condescension, 'never mind your glove, John. Shake hands with it on. You

are no stranger here, you know.'

Highly gratified by the kindness of his reception, Young John descended

the staircase. On his way down he met some Collegians bringing up

visitors to be presented, and at that moment Mr Dorrit happened to call

over the banisters with particular distinctness, 'Much obliged to you

for your little testimonial, John!'

Little Dorrit's lover very soon laid down his penny on the tollplate of

the Iron Bridge, and came upon it looking about him for the well-known

and well-beloved figure. At first he feared she was not there; but as he

walked on towards the Middlesex side, he saw her standing still, looking

at the water. She was absorbed in thought, and he wondered what

she might be thinking about. There were the piles of city roofs and

chimneys, more free from smoke than on week-days; and there were the

distant masts and steeples. Perhaps she was thinking about them.

Little Dorrit mused so long, and was so entirely preoccupied, that

although her lover stood quiet for what he thought was a long time, and

twice or thrice retired and came back again to the former spot, still

she did not move. So, in the end, he made up his mind to go on, and seem

to come upon her casually in passing, and speak to her. The place was

quiet, and now or never was the time to speak to her.

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