'It ain't many that comes into a poor place, that deems it worth their

while to move their hats,' said Mrs Plornish. 'But people think more of

it than people think.' Clennam returned, with an uncomfortable feeling in so very slight a

courtesy being unusual, Was that all! And stooping down to pinch the

cheek of another young child who was sitting on the floor, staring at

him, asked Mrs Plornish how old that fine boy was?

'Four year just turned, sir,' said Mrs Plornish. 'He IS a fine little

fellow, ain't he, sir? But this one is rather sickly.' She tenderly

hushed the baby in her arms, as she said it. 'You wouldn't mind my

asking if it happened to be a job as you was come about, sir, would

you?' asked Mrs Plornish wistfully.

She asked it so anxiously, that if he had been in possession of any

kind of tenement, he would have had it plastered a foot deep rather

than answer No. But he was obliged to answer No; and he saw a shade of

disappointment on her face, as she checked a sigh, and looked at the

low fire. Then he saw, also, that Mrs Plornish was a young woman, made

somewhat slatternly in herself and her belongings by poverty; and so

dragged at by poverty and the children together, that their united

forces had already dragged her face into wrinkles.

'All such things as jobs,' said Mrs Plornish, 'seems to me to have gone

underground, they do indeed.' (Herein Mrs Plornish limited her remark to

the plastering trade, and spoke without reference to the Circumlocution

Office and the Barnacle Family.) 'Is it so difficult to get work?' asked Arthur Clennam.

'Plornish finds it so,' she returned. 'He is quite unfortunate. Really

he is.' Really he was. He was one of those many wayfarers on the road

of life, who seem to be afflicted with supernatural corns, rendering it

impossible for them to keep up even with their lame competitors.

A willing, working, soft hearted, not hard-headed fellow, Plornish took

his fortune as smoothly as could be expected; but it was a rough one.

It so rarely happened that anybody seemed to want him, it was such an

exceptional case when his powers were in any request, that his misty

mind could not make out how it happened. He took it as it came,

therefore; he tumbled into all kinds of difficulties, and tumbled out of

them; and, by tumbling through life, got himself considerably bruised.

'It's not for want of looking after jobs, I am sure,' said Mrs Plornish,

lifting up her eyebrows, and searching for a solution of the problem

between the bars of the grate; 'nor yet for want of working at them when

they are to be got. No one ever heard my husband complain of work.'

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