I have been shrieked at through the streets. I have been guarded

through the streets against men, and especially women, running at me

armed with any weapons they could lay their hands on. I have lain in

prison for security, with the place of my confinement kept a secret,

lest I should be torn out of it and felled by a hundred blows. I have

been carted out of Marseilles in the dead of night, and carried leagues

away from it packed in straw. It has not been safe for me to go near my

house; and, with a beggar's pittance in my pocket, I have walked through

vile mud and weather ever since, until my feet are crippled--look at

them! Such are the humiliations that society has inflicted upon me,

possessing the qualities I have mentioned, and which you know me to

possess. But society shall pay for it.'

All this he said in his companion's ear, and with his hand before his

lips. 'Even here,' he went on in the same way, 'even in this mean

drinking-shop, society pursues me. Madame defames me, and her guests

defame me. I, too, a gentleman with manners and accomplishments

to strike them dead! But the wrongs society has heaped upon me are

treasured in this breast.'

To all of which John Baptist, listening attentively to the suppressed

hoarse voice, said from time to time, 'Surely, surely!' tossing his

head and shutting his eyes, as if there were the clearest case against

society that perfect candour could make out.

'Put my shoes there,' continued Lagnier. 'Hang my cloak to dry there

by the door. Take my hat.' He obeyed each instruction, as it was given.

'And this is the bed to which society consigns me, is it? Hah. Very

well!' As he stretched out his length upon it, with a ragged handkerchief

bound round his wicked head, and only his wicked head showing above the

bedclothes, John Baptist was rather strongly reminded of what had so

very nearly happened to prevent the moustache from any more going up as

it did, and the nose from any more coming down as it did.

'Shaken out of destiny's dice-box again into your company, eh? By

Heaven! So much the better for you. You'll profit by it. I shall need a

long rest. Let me sleep in the morning.'

John Baptist replied that he should sleep as long as he would, and

wishing him a happy night, put out the candle. One might have Supposed

that the next proceeding of the Italian would have been to undress;

but he did exactly the reverse, and dressed himself from head to foot,

saving his shoes. When he had so done, he lay down upon his bed with

some of its coverings over him, and his coat still tied round his neck,

to get through the night.

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