“We? Now you’re a couple?”

I sighed and dropped my head, pinching the bridge of my nose between two fingers. Obviously she was in the mood to push my buttons.

Turning around, I picked up my drink from corner of my desk and tossed back the remains. The glass made a deep sound when I set it back down. I’d lost count of how many drinks I’d had since I left Rosslyn sleeping, but the slight buzz was numbing the constant guilt I felt since I found out who she was.

“Yes, Vick, we’re a couple. I told you she was different. I’m in love with her. I’ve never been in love with anyone the way I love her.”

“You’re in love with her. Are you insane Sebastian? We killed…”

I cut her off. “We? We didn’t kill anyone. You did.”

It was something that haunted my mind for years.

“Come the fuck on, Sebastian,” Vick whispered as she disappeared over the side of the fence.

She was faster than me now that she was older, but still clumsy, which was why I never let her do jobs by herself. She wasn’t ready, even if she thought she was.

I lifted myself up over the fence and fell to my feet beside her.

“You’re getting slow,” she grinned over at me.

“Fuck you,” I said, standing up and dusting off the knees of my pants. “Let’s get this shit over with. I told Anthony we’d be back in two hours.

We moved across the perfectly manicured backyard toward the house Vick had her eyes on for the last year. She said it was the house of her dreams. She wanted a home and family like the one inside.

We all had our dreams and envisioned the kind of life we’d have if we hadn’t been given away, so I understood her obsession with the house. Even though I’d told her, over and over again, I picked the houses, I knew her birthday was coming. So like a dumbass, I promised her we’d do the house she wanted.

“Okay, are you sure the people are out of town? I asked.

“Yes. Now quit worrying. We’ll be in and out before you know it.”

I trusted Vick with my life. I had no reason to believe she would lie to me about anything.

“Fine, but still no lights. The neighbors around neighborhoods like this, watch each other’s backs. Let’s just get in, get the shit, and get the fuck out.”

“I’m not an idiot, Sebastian. I’ve done this more than you.”

The stolen credit card I used on the back door, bent as I pressed it into the lock. Pulling on the knob, the door popped open.

“Like a pro,” Vick whispered with a smile.

She bumped her shoulder into mine playfully. That was the problem. She played too much in serious situations like the one we were in.

I gave her the evil eye, telling her to shut the fuck up, and then moved stealthily through the house. Vick was on my heels as we moved through the place, looking for valuables. The bottom floor was spotless and we didn’t find much of anything.

“Come on,” Vick whispered, taking the stairs to the second floor.

I followed behind her and into the master bedroom.

“Jackpot,” Vick whispered, tugging on my arm. “Help me get the TV.”

Nodding my head, I moved toward the wall with the TV and we both lifted it from the stand and onto the floor. It was at that moment, the bathroom door flew open and a man in a pair of silk pajama pants stepped out. He was yawning with his eyes closed and scratching his head. Once his eyes opened, they landed on us. Vick and I both froze in the light coming from the bathroom.

“What are you doing in my house?”

He moved toward the side of the bed toward the phone. It was then I saw a lady sleeping on the other side.

I held up my hands. “No need for that. We’ll just leave.”

I moved toward the door hoping Vick would follow. Neither of us needed to be arrested.

I was standing in the doorway when I looked back. Vick wasn’t there. Instead, she was standing in front of the man and she was holding a gun up at him.

“What are you doing?” I said, making my way back toward her. “No. This is not how this is going down.”

I broke into houses to survive, but carrying a gun around and pulling it on people was not okay with me.

“He’s going to call the cops, Sebastian,” she said in a hushed tone. “Fuck, now he knows your name. I’m sorry. Shit, I’m so sorry.”

Her eyes were wild. She was freaking out.

“Vick, just give me the gun. We’ll get the hell out of here, and no one will know anything. Let’s just go.” I said calmly as I reached out for the gun.

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