At that point, the lady next to us got up and moved. Poor lady.

However, Trish’s words did get my attention. “What makes you think he’s gay?”

“He has to be. He works at this club full of hot bitches, including myself, and never once has he even batted an eyelash at any of them.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s gay,” I defended.

She looked at me like I was crazy, then grabbed her breasts and shook them. “Seriously, look at these. In two years, he would have at least flirted with me once.”

I didn’t say anything else after that. I could have knocked her off her high horse by telling her I knew for a fact Sebastian wasn’t gay, but she was my friend and I’d rather she stay self-confident.

I waited until Trish was completely out of sight before I climbed into the back of the sleek black car that was waiting for me.

“Have a nice time shopping, Miss?” Mr. Martin asked, pulling away from the curb.

“I sure did.” I plastered on a fake smile and turned to watch the city go by.

I rode to pick up Kyle from school, and then Mr. Martin drove us home. After a quick dinner of Sloppy Joes, Kyle showered and went to bed. I sat up and watched TV. The last thing I remembered was an episode of Golden Girls, before falling asleep on the couch.

I briefly remembered waking in Sebastian’s arms, as he carried me to my bedroom. I’d been too tired to try and talk to him, and my eyes had fluttered shut. Then I think he laid me in my bed, and pulled the covers up to my chest.

There’d been a soft warmth on my cheek that I was sure was a kiss, but I couldn’t be bothered to open my eyes. I must have been dreaming though. Sebastian Black wasn’t the kind of man to do anything soft and sweet.

I woke the next morning to Kyle making himself breakfast. I’d overslept, which was something I didn’t do often. Climbing from the bed, I made my way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to help wake myself up.

After brushing my hair and teeth, I went back into my room to get dressed for the day. I reached out to open my closet door when I saw the green shirt I’d admired the day before at the mall hanging on the door knob.

Picking it up, I saw that it was the perfect size and everything. It was then, the night before came rushing back to me. Sebastian had definitely been there. It hadn’t been a dream like I’d thought it was.



“So what’s the deal with you and Jessica?” Vick stepped into my office with Starbucks and a forced smile.

Her grin alone was alarming because smiling was not her thing.

“What do you mean?”

“You have to admit things are different with her.”

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but Vick wasn’t acting like herself.

“Our deal’s no different than the rest of the girls in my book.”

“Yeah fucking right,” she snorted around her cup of coffee. “I don’t recall you ever buying the other girls upscale condos.”

“She needed a place. I’ll make up the difference in her weekly payments. She’ll get less.” I was lying, but I didn’t want Vick thinking Jessica was changing me. She wasn’t.

“Don’t bullshit me, Sebastian. I saw the account you opened for her. She has the same amount of starter money as the rest of the girls.” She sat her hip against my desk and scowled down at me. “What’s the deal? Is this bitch turning you soft?”

Anger struck me deep, in a place I hadn’t visited since I was young and stupid, and fighting to survive on the streets of New York.

“Don’t call her that,” I barked, the side of my fist landed on my desk hard, shaking papers.

My voice was dark, daring her to say another word. Vick and I usually got along well, but her calling Jessica a bitch shook something loose.

She peered down at me with a look of pity. “No different, huh?” Shaking her head, she turned and walked out of my office.

My hands were shaking with rage. “You do not get to regard me in that manner!”

Without turning around, she called over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, sir. I thought it was my right to point out when the closest person to me was becoming a pussy-whipped dickwad.”

The door slammed behind her, knocking a picture from my wall. I was going to have to take Vick down a fucking peg or two. She was definitely getting too comfortable trying to control me. I wasn’t having it.

I didn’t want to hear anymore shit from fucking Laura Croft: Emasculator. Jessica was not changing me. I’d just met the girl and I’d barely had a taste of her yet. I wasn’t changing for anyone, and I’d prove it. Copyright 2016 - 2024