He dove into his task then, licking, sucking, kissing her private place with such care she nearly wept. Pleasure roared through her, searing and sweet, and then the room was spinning and she was crying out his name. Before she’d fully come down he was on top of her, kissing her mouth, his sex poised at her entrance.

“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “I want you. I didn’t see you coming. You blindsided me, and I wouldn’t change a thing.” He slipped inside her with a groan, filling her. Completing her when she hadn’t known she had a piece missing.

“You’ve given me so much, Thanatos. I had to lose everything in order to see that I had it all.” She arched into his thrust, the pleasure nearly taking her breath. “I’ve never been so alive.”

“You made me realize I’m alive.” His voice was guttural, raw, so damned sexy.



“Bite me.”

He grinned, flashing his fangs. “You got it, baby. You got anything you want.”

As his mouth settled over her throat, ecstasy peaked. It wasn’t just physical. It was mental. Emotional. It was a perfect melding of the past, present, and future.

The Apocalypse was over, and the new world, her new world, was just beginning.

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