“The stone used to belong to Daniel’s grandmother.” Raffaela smiled. “Something old.”

Tears welled up in Sabrina’s eyes. She fanned her face with her hand in the hope of keeping them at bay. “Will you help me put it on?”

“Of course.” Raffaela took the necklace out of the box, draped it around Sabrina’s neck, and fastened the clasp. “There.”

Sabrina reached up and fingered the necklace, then looked into the mirror. The green stone emphasized the green color of her eyes.

“My turn,” Holly said excitedly. “Here’s your something borrowed.” Holly opened her palm. “My tear drop diamond earrings that you love so much.”

Sabrina looked at them. “Are you sure?”

Holly laughed. “Borrowed, remember?”

Sabrina nodded and hugged Holly, then took the earrings and put them on.

“And finally, your something blue and something new,” her mother said. “You might already have one, so if you do, take it off and use this one instead.”

Laughing, Sabrina took the small, gold gift bag and peeked inside. It was a blue silk garter belt.

“Oh, Mom, thanks!” She sensed a blush creeping up her cheeks. “I actually didn’t have one. I don’t know how I could have forgotten that.”

“Well, you have one now. That’s all that matters.” Her mother smiled while Sabrina slid the garter belt up her thigh.

Sabrina turned back toward the mirror and spun around in front of it for what felt like the hundredth time. Today was the day she would marry the man of her dreams, the man who had made all of her dreams come true. Today she would walk down that aisle and become Daniel’s wife.

At the thought of walking down the aisle, her smile faded. Daniel’s father had offered to do the honors. She appreciated his offer, but it wouldn’t be the same as her own father being there.

She felt a hand on her forearm and looked up. Her mother met her gaze in the mirror. “He’ll come, honey.”

Sabrina nodded, though she didn’t believe it. He wouldn’t come. “I guess we’d better ask James to come in now. It’s time.” She loved Daniel’s father. He would be by her side to give her to his son. It would have to do.

Raffaela nodded and walked to the door, when there was a hesitant knock. She opened the door. “Oh!”

Sabrina turned at her surprised gasp. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the man who stood in the door frame, dressed in a dark suit, a white shirt and a tie. She’d never seen him dressed so handsomely.

“Dad,” she whispered, her eyes growing moist with tears once more. Was she dreaming?

His gaze locked with hers as he stepped into the room, setting one hesitant foot in front of the other.

“Holly.” Raffaela gestured to Holly and the two of them left the room, easing the door shut behind them, leaving Sabrina alone with her parents.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” her father started. “I should have believed you.”

Sabrina sniffed. “Oh, Daddy, you’re here now. That’s all that matters.” She opened her arms, and her father took the last few steps that separated them and hugged her.

“Forgive me.”

She couldn’t say anything, because she was choking up. So she nodded instead and fought against the tears. When he released her from his embrace, he looked her up and down.

“You’re so beautiful. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

Sabrina smiled and noticed her mother come closer and put a hand on her ex-husband’s forearm. He turned to look at her.

“You’re a good father, George. You’ve always been. The two of us were just never meant for each other. But we did one good thing together, didn’t we?” Her mother glanced at Sabrina, a wet sheen covering her eyes.

Her father nodded. “Yes, we raised a wonderful daughter.” Then he put his arm around his ex-wife and hugged her to him for a brief moment.

It was the most tender gesture she’d ever seen her parents exchange.

“It’s time for you to get married.” Her father held out his arm to her. “Ready?”

“Yes,” she said, taking his proffered arm and allowing him to lead her out of the room, her mother following them.

After walking down the staircase and through the hallway, they reached the porch that led to the tent in the back of the Sinclair’s garden. Sabrina felt her heart beat excitedly. Everything was perfect now.

She felt all eyes on her when she and her father stepped onto the carpet that led to the podium on which Daniel and the priest waited, Tim and Holly by their sides. Sabrina’s eyes saw only Daniel. He stood at the altar, smiling, his eyes sparkling, looking like Adonis in his tailored tuxedo.

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