He laughed and spoke to the mayor. “What do you say to a little gambling?”

She hooked her arm through his. Whatever he wanted to do was fine with her. She wanted him happy. “Let’s break the house.”

As she soon discovered, Octavian’s talents extended past his office skills. In just a few hands of Baccarat, he’d won a tidy sum. His celebratory mood helped him down nearly a bottle and a half of the club’s best champagne. Lola had done her best to sip hers and keep her head, but even with her vampire tolerance she was starting to feel a buzz. It was almost like the alcohol served at Seven was stronger.

She pointed at the growing pile of chips at Octavian’s side. “You know what you should do with those?”

“What?” He leaned into her as he turned, booze sweet on his breath.

“You should buy yourself one of those.” She gestured to a passing comarré. “I got Hector here, you know.”

“That,” he said heavily, “is a great idea.” He stood a little straighter. “Where do we buy one? Whom do we talk to?”

Their server came up to them. “Do you need something, sir?”

“Yes. I want to buy a comarré.”

“Very good, sir. The croupier will hold your chips until you’re ready to play again or cash them out for you.”

“Cash them out. I want to spend the money on a comarré.”

“Excellent. If you’ll just follow me.” She led them through the gilded chain-mail curtain of Envy, then through another set of doors that were entirely gold-leafed.

The room inside was done in white with touches of gold and red. The heavy thump of the club’s music filtered through, but it was so muted it seemed very distant. Luke stood just inside the door. He looked enormously bored with the whole evening. The server rang a small crystal bell, then turned to them. “Would you like another bottle of champagne while you wait?”

“Absolutely,” Octavian answered.

Good, Lola thought. More champagne and a quiet place to talk. Just the setup she’d hoped for. “Luke, would you give us a few minutes alone?”

He nodded. “I’ll be outside.” He held the door for the server, then left after her.

Octavian settled onto a white silk sofa. He leaned into it, spreading his arms over the back. “This is quite the place.”

She sat beside him. “Yes, it is. Did you have anything like this where you came from?”

“Not really. Most nobles like to entertain in their homes.” He drained his glass. “Fantastic parties.” He sighed wistfully. “You can’t imagine.”

“Did the ancients ever come to those parties?”

The longing left his face quickly. “What?”

Soft, shushing footsteps interrupted them and a beautiful Japanese woman entered the room. Her face bore the hard angles of a noble vampire. She bowed before she spoke. “I am Katsumi Tanaka. I run the comarré operations here at Seven.” She nodded at Lola. “Madam Mayor, welcome. I don’t believe I’ve met your friend.”

“This is my assistant, Octavian Petrescu.”

Katsumi’s smile faltered for a moment and her gaze widened on Octavian like she knew him, and then she blinked it away and smiled. “Another noble. How wonderful. Welcome, Octavian. Are you new to the city?”

“Yes.” He crossed his arms. “Is that a problem?”

“Not at all.” Katsumi dipped her head. “We are always happy to welcome new customers. I understand you’re interested in purchasing a comarré.”

His mood seemed to grow worse by the moment. “Yes, where are they? Bring them out.”

Katsumi stiffened a little As though Octavian had insulted her. “We need to be sure our clients have the means necessary to purchase a comarré first.” She held a palm-sized tablet out to him. “Would you please access your credit statement so I may verify you?”

“I have the money in cash.” Octavian scowled and turned to Lola. “See what’s taking that server so long with my money, will you?”

She gave him an ugly look. If she didn’t need so much from him, she’d cut him down on the spot, but keeping him happy and helpful was her main goal until she got the information she needed. She forced a smile. “I’ll be right back.”

Luke was on the other side of the door. “Everything okay?”

“No. That fool thinks I’m his errand girl. And he’s yet to give me any information about the ones holding Mariela.” With every night that passed, the chances of getting her granddaughter back seemed to fade.

Luke shrugged. “Then teach him a lesson. Leave him here.”

“Luke, I don’t think…” She paused. Maybe leaving him would be a good reminder of her power for Octavian. Maybe then he’d be willing to answer her questions. She needed him, that much was true, but she also needed to keep the upper hand. “Let’s get the car.”

Chapter Eighteen

Katsumi knew the vampire with the mayor was familiar, but until she’d said his name, Katsumi couldn’t place him. Then it all came back to her—the Dominus Ball. Octavian belonged to Tatiana. What was he doing here? Did the mayor know his past? His being in Paradise City was certainly information Dominic needed to know. And might even reward her for. She held her composure until the mayor left.

Unfortunately, the server returned with the champagne. Katsumi waited while the girl opened the bottle, poured Octavian another glass, then left them alone again.

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