“Huh?” I finally asked, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

“What if I told you that I’d like to take off those jeans you’re wearing and spread your legs open and lick that pussy?”

Ohmygod. He did not just say that! I had to get out of here. I needed my bellhop back. This was not good. They thought I was here to do what Sonya did. I shook my head and mentally tried to pull together an escape plan.

“It’s not a fucking act.” Dean hissed as if he was pissed. “Dammit, sweetheart! What were you doing anywhere near that party last night? You look ready to pass the fuck out because I talked about eating your pussy. Girl like you don’t belong around this world.”

Dean was confusing me. I found my voice. “I just need some money from my cousin. If you could get her, I’ll leave. I can’t get back to the hotel without a cab. It’s a thirty-minute drive, and I don’t think I can walk that far. If she’s, uh . . . busy . . . I just need a second of her time. That’s all.”

Dean stared at me as I spoke, then rubbed his temples before letting out a sigh. “You don’t get it,” he finally said.

“Don’t get what?” I asked.

“How old are you?” he asked, studying my face closely.

“Twenty,” I told him, not sure why that had anything to do with this.

He started to say something else but then closed his mouth. I watched him walk toward the large, arched opening to the left. “Follow me.”

I didn’t want to take another step into this place, but if he was leading me to Sonya, I would go. I needed money to leave. I was stuck without it.

We walked into a living area with two large butter-colored leather sofas and a massive marble fireplace. The fire was lit, and warmth filled the room.

“Hello, Emily,” a deep, warm voice said, causing me to pause. He knew my name. Sitting in the far corner of the room in a large chair, with his feet propped up on the table in front of him, was a shirtless Kiro Manning. His hair was damp and curling around his neck. I didn’t let myself look at his chest. His piercing blue eyes felt as if they were burning me alive.

“Hello,” I replied, but my voice came out in a whisper.

The corners of his lips tugged up. Did he think I had come here for him? “Come sit with me,” he said as he took in the rest of me. He did think I was here for him.

“I, uh, my cousin is here. I thought she was . . . with you. Or you asked her to stay. I brought her luggage. I need to get money from her so I can get back to my hotel.”

Kiro rubbed his stubbled chin with his finger and thumb before pressing his thumb to his bottom lip. That was sexy. I was so going to remember that look tonight in bed.

“Didn’t invite your cousin to stay because I wanted her,” he said, dropping his legs to the ground and standing up. “Didn’t bring her back here last night because I wanted her.” He walked around the table and headed my way.

“She ain’t acting, man. She blushed and stammered and went into a panic when I told her I wanted to eat her pussy. This innocent shit is fucking real,” Dean growled at Kiro.

Kiro’s gaze swung to Dean’s, and he looked angry. No, he looked furious. “You told her what?”

“She wasn’t what I expected. She looks like fucking Snow White. I was testing her, and she passed. She is motherfucking Snow White. Get that through that lust haze you got going on. Not your type, Kiro,” Dean had taken a step toward him so that they were now in each other’s face, looking like they wanted to rip each other’s head off.

“Back off this. Now.” Kiro’s voice was getting louder.

Dean looked at me then back at Kiro. They continued to glare at each other, and then Dean muttered a curse and stalked out of the room. Leaving us alone.

Dean didn’t make me nervous. I wanted him to come back.

Kiro’s nostrils flared, then he visibly relaxed before turning back to me. We stood there in silence, staring at each other. I didn’t know what he was doing or thinking. I just knew that Kiro Manning scared me and excited me all at the same time. I didn’t know what to do with this or how to handle him.

“Your cousin is here because last night, when you walked out that door, I cornered Trac. I wanted your name. And he didn’t know it, either, but he knew your cousin.”

They had brought Sonya here to get to me? For Kiro? Oh, God. That’s what Dean was trying to tell him.

I wasn’t going to sleep with him. I wasn’t one of his groupies. I wasn’t like Sonya. But he wasn’t listening.

“I’m not like her,” I blurted out.

An amused grin touched Kiro’s lips. He had really good lips. Better than good lips. “No, you’re not,” he replied.

He didn’t get it. I tried again. “I’m not a groupie. I’m a fan. I like your music. Y’all are very talented. But just because I like your songs doesn’t mean I’ll sleep with you.”

Kiro stepped closer to me and backed me up until I hit a wall. His eyes were locked on my lips. “You’re a fan, huh?” he said in a low, deep rumble.


Swear to God, if she bit that bottom lip, I was taking that mouth. Too fucking sweet.

She held her breath.

“You gotta breathe, angel,” I told her, lowering my head so I could smell her skin again. Such fucking sweet skin.

“I just need . . . I came to bring my cousin’s, uh . . . I brought her . . . luggage,” she stammered. I was making her nervous.

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