I let my head fall, closing my eyes. It was harder with the Queen power flowing through my Core, but it was still doable. Sometimes, I practiced late at night when I couldn’t sleep. My Vampire magic was a natural habit to mask, but I rolled my head around on my shoulders, took a deep breath, and reined all of my magic in, stuffing it down deep inside me, not letting any out, before slamming a metaphysical door inside my chest. Another roll of my shoulders, and I peered up at him.

Waggling my fingers at him, I stated, “Go ahead. Test me. Tell me if you feel a thing.”

I felt a rush of power hit me from all angles, not only him doing as requested. Bracing my feet, I bit my lip because so much was hitting me at once, but I stayed standing and got a first-class view of seeing everyone’s eyes go wide, except for King Kincaid, who already knew I could do this, and Antonio, who had taught me the basic idea behind it before leaving directly after my first Awakening. If they pressed hard enough, they would feel my Shifter power, unlike my Vampire magic since it was spelled to be hidden, but they would have to be searching damn hard to feel even the tiniest sliver of my Shifter magic.

“Now,” I stretched, some dirt falling off my arms, “if none of you had met me before or knew who I was, would you think Commoner or Mystical?”

“Holy shit,” Elder Merrick muttered, his eyes flying back to the screen, his reaction answer enough. “That’s f**king amazing, Lily, but I want to hear the growl you say you heard. No offense, but I’ve never met anyone who can mask the way you are, and to find two people in one day seems a bit unrealistic.”

I let my Shifter power back out of my Core, the action a little daunting since I had so much. “Elder Harcourt, just rewind it a smidge, and magnify the sound even further.” I flopped in my chair, dried dirt flying to the floor around me.

Elder Harcourt nodded and did as I had asked, every Shifter in the place closing their eyes to listen. And this time, with the sound turned up to blaring levels, every single one of them stilled at the table. And then a round of quiet growling erupted from them at the same time as when Elder Harcourt stopped the film where I’d had him do before.

“Well, that answers that question,” Antonio stated, eyes on the pissed off Shifters. He held up a finger. “But, it doesn’t explain why I can never see the leader in one of my visions.”

Everyone’s eyes, including mine, went back to the still image.

As we stared at it, Ezra’s quiet chuckle sounded throughout the room. He pointed at the screen. “The answer lies in his robe.” He cursed under his breath. “He’s a hybrid.” My head flew in his direction, as did everyone else’s. “Gold and black. Mage and Shifter. It makes sense for the war he’s bringing on everyone.” His gaze swung to Antonio. “Would it be possible for him to create a spell to deflect anyone tracking him through visions?”

Gradually, Antonio nodded, resulting in a round of curses flying around the room.

It was decided that a group, including the Executioner, were to be dispatched by Elder Camden and Elder Harcourt — they would discuss who would go and find them later — to go to Philip Masterson’s home and take him out, if he had returned from his MIA status. The news of the leader’s hybrid nature would be passed on to the Elders speaking with the Com leaders so that they could disclose this information to them, in the hope that Philip had put them under some type of spell in relation to their ongoing hostility. Then, after two rebellion videos, the meeting was adjourned.

I left immediately, not wanting to risk talking with Ezra.

I ran into Finn in my rush.

Entered his room, having all night long that pleasurable but empty sex King Fergus and I had spoken about, and not leaving until the sun rose on King Cave’s ceiling, lighting my way to practice with Elder Merrick in the fighting arena.

Chapter Twelve

My practice was cancelled due to Elder Merrick’s absence, of which I didn’t find out about until I stood in the middle of the arena with no teacher. Apparently, the entirety of Antonio’s posse had been called away, a gossiping Shifter told me while I waited in vain for my teacher. So I trudged back up the walkway and headed for my bedroom, ready to crash. And that was exactly what I did once I had entered, lying down next to Pearl, who was still snoozing away with Jack — Ezra had left for kitchen duty already — and fell asleep.

I woke to a hard thump on the mattress, and gruff words stating, “Someone’s knocking on your door.” Ezra’s voice, sounding growly and deep.

My eyes shot open just as he kicked the mattress again, and I heard the knocking at the door. I rolled, falling straight onto the hard floor, which reminded me that I had lain on the edge of the bed, not wanting to disturb Pearl or Jack, and not wanting to lie on the side that smelled of Ezra. “Shit.” I jumped up, brushing my hair back, and rushed through the room to the door. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I opened it swiftly, keeping a firm hold on the handle.

King Fergus’s eyebrows rose as he took in my state of dress. “I’m seriously beginning to question if you’re hitting on me.” A pause, his head cocking. “Although, if I were you, and that’s what I was going for, I would rethink my ensemble’s provocativeness. Or lack thereof.”

Or not so much dressed.

I squeaked, slamming the door shut in his face. “Shit.” Staring down at my turtle underwear set, I now remembered that I had stripped down so I didn’t get muddy clothes on the bedding, too tired to throw something else on.

Sighing heavily, I opened the door again, but only a crack, to peek out into the hallway. Where King Fergus was laughing his ass off. My eyes narrowed. “That wasn’t funny.”

“Oh, I’m not laughing at you,” he hooted. “I’m laughing at the Prodigy Shifter wearing turtle underwear.”

My lips thinned. “Snapping turtles. Get it right.”

Which made him laugh that much harder.

“Just give me a minute to get dressed.” It was time for our session, by the look of the sun.

He nodded, waving a hand as he rested against the wall, still chuckling.

“You’re so getting your ass kicked today.” I slammed the door again. And turned in a huff, already running my hands through my tangled hair. And stopped dead.

Ezra was standing a few feet back, arms crossed and resting his shoulder against the wall, staring at me with a hooded gaze. My own instantly hid half my eyes, and I went into motion, moving past him to…well, hide in my closet under the guise of getting dressed. But when I came out he was reclining on the bed, looking f**king good as hell. He was also waiting for me. Hell, at least I was now clothed in a pair of black cargos, a t-shirt, and boots.

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