"The Council has a selective memory," A'Ran said in irritation. "Every ship, every weapon they own, came from Anshan ore."

"True," Jetr said. "But until they choose to remember that, they ask another favor of you, their last."

"I've heard this before, Jetr," A'Ran said.

"I brokered this one."

A'Ran waited, observing the tiny man with white eyes. Jetr, the only Council member he trusted, had been an ally for three generations of his family without appearing to age. He wore heavy clothing, as if easily chilled, and moved with the smoothness of a warrior. There was a time when A'Ran would've scoffed at Jetr's mention of a favor. That time passed with the suffering of his people and the ability of the Council to coerce all his allies but one to leave his side.

He had to repay the odious debt to the Council. Only then would he be free of their interference and maybe even gain the support of some of their members.

"The Council wants an end to the millennia-old blood war between Anshan and Qatwal," Jetr said. "You have the dominant armies in this galaxy, and the other civilizations in your solar system are sick of the war. The ruler of Tri'trij has vacated his planet and lives on colonies outside the solar system. Too much of the on-again, off-again war has impacted your neighbors."

"And it is up to me to broker a peace deal with Qatwal," A'Ran said. "I have no planet, half an army, no food or water for my people, and I must broker a peace deal."

"I'm not saying I agree, just that it must be done," Jetr said. "And if you do this, the Council will leave you alone."

"A peace deal depends on two parties, not one," A'Ran reminded him.

"If they refuse, they refuse. But we will work with them to come to some sort of terms. Peace will benefit the solar system, and your neighbors will be happy."

"My neighbors will be fortunate if I don't destroy them next. They stood aside while my planet was overrun by the Council-sanctioned vagrant Yirkin forces!"

"Not sanctioned, just not prevented," Jetr corrected. "The Yirkin are wanderers. The Council wants nothing to do with them and views the presence of your father's betrayer and your people on the planet as a sign the Yirkin are willing to share your planet rather than take it over."

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