"You have spoken well, mine host," said Tressilian, "and I will profit

by your advice, and leave you to-morrow early."

"Nay, leave me to-night, sir, before to-morrow comes," said he landlord.

"I never prayed for a guest's arrival more eagerly than I do to have

you safely gone, My kinsman's destiny is most like to be hanged for

something, but I would not that the cause were the murder of an honoured

guest of mine. 'Better ride safe in the dark,' says the proverb, 'than

in daylight with a cut-throat at your elbow.' Come, sir, I move you for

your own safety. Your horse and all is ready, and here is your score."

"It is somewhat under a noble," said Tressilian, giving one to the host;

"give the balance to pretty Cicely, your daughter, and the servants of

the house."

"They shall taste of your bounty, sir," said Gosling, "and you should

taste of my daughter's lips in grateful acknowledgment, but at this hour

she cannot grace the porch to greet your departure."

"Do not trust your daughter too far with your guests, my good landlord,"

said Tressilian.

"Oh, sir, we will keep measure; but I wonder not that you are jealous

of them all.--May I crave to know with what aspect the fair lady at the

Place yesterday received you?"

"I own," said Tressilian, "it was angry as well as confused, and affords

me little hope that she is yet awakened from her unhappy delusion."

"In that case, sir, I see not why you should play the champion of a

wench that will none of you, and incur the resentment of a favourite's

favourite, as dangerous a monster as ever a knight adventurer

encountered in the old story books."

"You do me wrong in the supposition, mine host--gross wrong," said

Tressilian; "I do not desire that Amy should ever turn thought upon me

more. Let me but see her restored to her father, and all I have to do in

Europe--perhaps in the world--is over and ended."

"A wiser resolution were to drink a cup of sack, and forget her," said

the landlord. "But five-and-twenty and fifty look on those matters with

different eyes, especially when one cast of peepers is set in the skull

of a young gallant, and the other in that of an old publican. I pity

you, Master Tressilian, but I see not how I can aid you in the matter."

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