Early on the ensuing morning, Varney acted as the Earl's chamberlain as

well as his master of horse, though the latter was his proper office in

that magnificent household, where knights and gentlemen of good descent

were well contented to hold such menial situations, as nobles themselves

held in that of the sovereign. The duties of each of these charges were

familiar to Varney, who, sprung from an ancient but somewhat decayed

family, was the Earl's page during his earlier and more obscure

fortunes, and, faithful to him in adversity, had afterwards contrived to

render himself no less useful to him in his rapid and splendid advance

to fortune; thus establishing in him an interest resting both on present

and past services, which rendered him an almost indispensable sharer of

his confidence.

"Help me to do on a plainer riding-suit, Varney," said the Earl, as he

laid aside his morning-gown, flowered with silk and lined with sables,

"and put these chains and fetters there" (pointing to the collars of the

various Orders which lay on the table) "into their place of security--my

neck last night was well-nigh broke with the weight of them. I am half

of the mind that they shall gall me no more. They are bonds which knaves

have invented to fetter fools. How thinkest thou, Varney?"

"Faith, my good lord," said his attendant, "I think fetters of gold are

like no other fetters--they are ever the weightier the welcomer."

"For all that, Varney," replied his master, "I am well-nigh resolved

they shall bind me to the court no longer. What can further service and

higher favour give me, beyond the high rank and large estate which I

have already secured? What brought my father to the block, but that he

could not bound his wishes within right and reason? I have, you know,

had mine own ventures and mine own escapes. I am well-nigh resolved to

tempt the sea no further, but sit me down in quiet on the shore."

"And gather cockle-shells, with Dan Cupid to aid you," said Varney.

"How mean you by that, Varney?" said the Earl somewhat hastily.

"Nay, my lord," said Varney, "be not angry with me. If your lordship

is happy in a lady so rarely lovely that, in order to enjoy her company

with somewhat more freedom, you are willing to part with all you have

hitherto lived for, some of your poor servants may be sufferers; but

your bounty hath placed me so high, that I shall ever have enough to

maintain a poor gentleman in the rank befitting the high office he has

held in your lordship's family."

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