The dews of summer night did fall,

The moon, sweet regent of the sky,

Silver'd the walls of Cumnor Hall,

And many an oak that grew thereby.--MICKLE.

[This verse is the commencement of the ballad already quoted, as

what suggested the novel.]

Four apartments; which, occupied the western side of the old quadrangle

at Cumnor Place, had been fitted up with extraordinary splendour. This

had been the work of several days prior to that on which our story

opened. Workmen sent from London, and not permitted to leave the

premises until the work was finished, had converted the apartments in

that side of the building from the dilapidated appearance of a dissolved

monastic house into the semblance of a royal palace. A mystery was

observed in all these arrangements: the workmen came thither and

returned by night, and all measures were taken to prevent the prying

curiosity of the villagers from observing or speculating upon the

changes which were taking place in the mansion of their once indigent

but now wealthy neighbour, Anthony Foster. Accordingly, the secrecy

desired was so far preserved, that nothing got abroad but vague and

uncertain reports, which were received and repeated, but without much

credit being attached to them.

On the evening of which we treat, the new and highly-decorated suite of

rooms were, for the first time, illuminated, and that with a brilliancy

which might have been visible half-a-dozen miles off, had not oaken

shutters, carefully secured with bolt and padlock, and mantled with long

curtains of silk and of velvet, deeply fringed with gold, prevented the

slightest gleam of radiance front being seen without.

The principal apartments, as we have seen, were four in number, each

opening into the other. Access was given to them by a large scale

staircase, as they were then called, of unusual length and height, which

had its landing-place at the door of an antechamber, shaped somewhat

like a gallery. This apartment the abbot had used as an occasional

council-room, but it was now beautifully wainscoted with dark, foreign

wood of a brown colour, and bearing a high polish, said to have been

brought from the Western Indies, and to have been wrought in London with

infinite difficulty and much damage to the tools of the workmen. The

dark colour of this finishing was relieved by the number of lights

in silver sconces which hung against the walls, and by six large and

richly-framed pictures, by the first masters of the age. A massy oaken

table, placed at the lower end of the apartment, served to accommodate

such as chose to play at the then fashionable game of shovel-board;

and there was at the other end an elevated gallery for the musicians

or minstrels, who might be summoned to increase the festivity of the

evening. Copyright 2016 - 2024