A long carpett of blew clothe, lyned with bridges sattin, fringed with

blew silck and goulde, in length vj yards lack a quarter, the whole

bredth of the clothe.

PICTURES. (Chiefly described as having curtains.)

The Queene's Majestie (2 great tables). 3 of my Lord. St. Jerome. Lo. of

Arundell. Lord Mathevers. Lord of Pembroke. Counte Egmondt. The Queene

of Scotts. King Philip. The Baker's Daughters. The Duke of Feria.

Alexander Magnus. Two Yonge Ladies. Pompaea Sabina. Fred. D. of Saxony.

Emp. Charles. K. Philip's Wife. Prince of Orange and his Wife. Marq. of

Berges and his Wife. Counte de Home. Count Holstrate. Monsr. Brederode.

Duke Alva. Cardinal Grandville. Duches of Parma. Henrie E. of Pembrooke

and his young Countess. Countis of Essex. Occacion and Repentance. Lord

Mowntacute. Sir Jas. Crofts. Sir Wr. Mildmay. Sr. Wm. Pickering. Edwin

Abp. of York.

A tabell of an historie of men, women, and children, moulden in wax.

A little foulding table of ebanie, garnished with white bone, wherein

are written verses with lres. of goulde.

A table of my Lord's armes.

Fyve of the plannetts, painted in frames.

Twentie-three cardes, [That is charts.] or maps of countries.

INSTRUMENTS. (I shall give two specimens.)

An instrument of organs, regall, and virginalls, covered with crimson

velvet, and garnished with goulde lace.

A fair pair of double virginalls.


A cabonett of crimson sattin, richlie embr. with a device of hunting

the stagg, in goulde, silver, and silck, with iiij glasses in the topp

thereof, xvj cupps of flowers made of goulde, silver, and silck, in a

case of leather, lyned with greene sattin of bridges.

(Another of purple velvet. A desk of red leather.)

A CHESS BOARDE of ebanie, with checkars of christall and other stones,

layed with silver, garnished with beares and ragged staves, and

cinquefoiles of silver. The xxxij men likewyse of christall and other

stones sett, the one sort in silver white, the other gilte, in a case

gilded and lyned with green cotton.

(Another of bone and ebanie. A pair of tabells of bone.)

A great BRASON CANDLESTICK to hang in the roofe of the howse, verie

fayer and curiouslye wrought, with xxiiij branches, xij greate and xij

of lesser size, 6 rowlers and ij wings for the spreade eagle, xxiiij

socketts for candells, xij greater and xij of a lesser sorte, xxiiij

sawcers, or candlecups, of like proporcion to put under the socketts,

iij images of men and iij of weomen, of brass, verie finely and

artificiallie done.

These specimens of Leicester's magnificence may serve to assure the

reader that it scarce lay in the power of a modern author to exaggerate

the lavish style of expense displayed in the princely pleasures of


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