The death-bell thrice was heard to ring,

An aerial voice was heard to call,

And thrice the raven flapp'd its wing

Around the towers of Cumnor Hall. --MICKLE.

We are now to return to that part of our story where we intimated that

Varney, possessed of the authority of the Earl of Leicester, and of

the Queen's permission to the same effect, hastened to secure himself

against discovery of his perfidy by removing the Countess from

Kenilworth Castle. He had proposed to set forth early in the morning;

but reflecting that the Earl might relent in the interim, and seek

another interview with the Countess, he resolved to prevent, by

immediate departure, all chance of what would probably have ended in his

detection and ruin. For this purpose he called for Lambourne, and was

exceedingly incensed to find that his trusty attendant was abroad on

some ramble in the neighbouring village, or elsewhere. As his return

was expected, Sir Richard commanded that he should prepare himself

for attending him on an immediate journey, and follow him in case he

returned after his departure.

In the meanwhile, Varney used the ministry of a servant called Robin

Tider, one to whom the mysteries of Cumnor Place were already in some

degree known, as he had been there more than once in attendance on the

Earl. To this man, whose character resembled that of Lambourne, though

he was neither quite so prompt nor altogether so profligate, Varney gave

command to have three horses saddled, and to prepare a horse-litter, and

have them in readiness at the postern gate. The natural enough excuse of

his lady's insanity, which was now universally believed, accounted for

the secrecy with which she was to be removed from the Castle, and he

reckoned on the same apology in case the unfortunate Amy's resistance or

screams should render such necessary. The agency of Anthony Foster was

indispensable, and that Varney now went to secure.

This person, naturally of a sour, unsocial disposition, and somewhat

tired, besides, with his journey from Cumnor to Warwickshire, in order

to bring the news of the Countess's escape, had early extricated himself

from the crowd of wassailers, and betaken himself to his chamber, where

he lay asleep, when Varney, completely equipped for travelling, and with

a dark lantern in his hand, entered his apartment. He paused an instant

to listen to what his associate was murmuring in his sleep, and could

plainly distinguish the words, "AVE MARIA--ORA PRO NOBIS. No, it runs

not so--deliver us from evil--ay, so it goes."

"Praying in his sleep," said Varney, "and confounding his old and

new devotions. He must have more need of prayer ere I am done with

him.--What ho! holy man, most blessed penitent!--awake--awake! The devil

has not discharged you from service yet." Copyright 2016 - 2024