The rencontre had continued for several minutes, without either party

receiving a wound, when of a sudden voices were heard beneath the

portico which formed the entrance of the terrace, mingled with the steps

of men advancing hastily. "We are interrupted," said Leicester to his

antagonist; "follow me."

At the same time a voice from the portico said, "The jackanape is

right--they are tilting here."

Leicester, meanwhile, drew off Tressilian into a sort of recess behind

one of the fountains, which served to conceal them, while six of

the yeomen of the Queen's guard passed along the middle walk of the

Pleasance, and they could hear one say to the rest, "We shall never find

them to-night among all these squirting funnels, squirrel cages, and

rabbit-holes; but if we light not on them before we reach the farther

end, we will return, and mount a guard at the entrance, and so secure

them till morning."

"A proper matter," said another, "the drawing of swords so near the

Queen's presence, ay, and in her very palace as 'twere! Hang it, they

must be some poor drunken game-cocks fallen to sparring--'twere pity

almost we should find them--the penalty is chopping off a hand, is it

not?--'twere hard to lose hand for handling a bit of steel, that comes

so natural to one's gripe."

"Thou art a brawler thyself, George," said another; "but take heed, for

the law stands as thou sayest."

"Ay," said the first, "an the act be not mildly construed; for thou

knowest 'tis not the Queen's palace, but my Lord of Leicester's."

"Why, for that matter, the penalty may be as severe," said another "for

an our gracious Mistress be Queen, as she is, God save her, my Lord of

Leicester is as good as King."

"Hush, thou knave!" said a third; "how knowest thou who may be within


They passed on, making a kind of careless search, but seemingly more

intent on their own conversation than bent on discovering the persons

who had created the nocturnal disturbance.

They had no sooner passed forward along the terrace, than Leicester,

making a sign to Tressilian to follow him, glided away in an opposite

direction, and escaped through the portico undiscovered. He conducted

Tressilian to Mervyn's Tower, in which he was now again lodged; and

then, ere parting with him, said these words, "If thou hast courage to

continue and bring to an end what is thus broken off, be near me when

the court goes forth to-morrow; we shall find a time, and I will give

you a signal when it is fitting." Copyright 2016 - 2024