These four bands entered the spacious hall with the utmost order,

a short pause being made, that the spectators might satisfy their

curiosity as to each quadrille before the appearance of the next. They

then marched completely round the hall, in order the more fully to

display themselves, regulating their steps to organs, shalms, hautboys,

and virginals, the music of the Lord Leicester's household. At length

the four quadrilles of maskers, ranging their torch-bearers behind them,

drew up in their several ranks on the two opposite sides of the hall,

so that the Romans confronting the Britons, and the Saxons the Normans,

seemed to look on each other with eyes of wonder, which presently

appeared to kindle into anger, expressed by menacing gestures. At the

burst of a strain of martial music from the gallery the maskers drew

their swords on all sides, and advanced against each other in the

measured steps of a sort of Pyrrhic or military dance, clashing their

swords against their adversaries' shields, and clattering them against

their blades as they passed each other in the progress of the dance. It

was a very pleasant spectacle to see how the various bands, preserving

regularity amid motions which seemed to be totally irregular, mixed

together, and then disengaging themselves, resumed each their own

original rank as the music varied.

In this symbolical dance were represented the conflicts which had taken

place among the various nations which had anciently inhabited Britain.

At length, after many mazy evolutions, which afforded great pleasure to

the spectators, the sound of a loud-voiced trumpet was heard, as if

it blew for instant battle, or for victory won. The maskers instantly

ceased their mimic strife, and collecting themselves under their

original leaders, or presenters, for such was the appropriate phrase,

seemed to share the anxious expectation which the spectators experienced

concerning what was next to appear.

The doors of the hall were thrown wide, and no less a person entered

than the fiend-born Merlin, dressed in a strange and mystical attire,

suited to his ambiguous birth and magical power.

About him and behind him fluttered or gambolled many extraordinary

forms, intended to represent the spirits who waited to do his powerful

bidding; and so much did this part of the pageant interest the menials

and others of the lower class then in the Castle, that many of them

forgot even the reverence due to the Queen's presence, so far as to

thrust themselves into the lower part of the hall.

The Earl of Leicester, seeing his officers had some difficulty to repel

these intruders, without more disturbance than was fitting where the

Queen was in presence, arose and went himself to the bottom of the

hall; Elizabeth, at the same time, with her usual feeling for the common

people, requesting that they might be permitted to remain undisturbed

to witness the pageant. Leicester went under this pretext; but his real

motive was to gain a moment to himself, and to relieve his mind, were it

but for one instant, from the dreadful task of hiding, under the guise

of gaiety and gallantry, the lacerating pangs of shame, anger, remorse,

and thirst for vengeance. He imposed silence by his look and sign upon

the vulgar crowd at the lower end of the apartment; but instead of

instantly returning to wait on her Majesty, he wrapped his cloak around

him, and mixing with the crowd, stood in some degree an undistinguished

spectator of the progress of the masque. Copyright 2016 - 2024