Elizabeth bent her brews and compressed her lips. "Our orders were

strict and positive, my lord," was her answer-"And should have been obeyed, good my liege," replied Leicester, "had

they been expressed in the form of the lightest wish. But--Varney, step

forward--this gentleman will inform your Grace of the cause why the

lady" (he could not force his rebellious tongue to utter the words--HIS

WIFE) "cannot attend on your royal presence."

Varney advanced, and pleaded with readiness, what indeed he firmly

believed, the absolute incapacity of the party (for neither did he dare,

in Leicester's presence, term her his wife) to wait on her Grace.

"Here," said he, "are attestations from a most learned physician, whose

skill and honour are well known to my good Lord of Leicester, and from

an honest and devout Protestant, a man of credit and substance, one

Anthony Foster, the gentleman in whose house she is at present bestowed,

that she now labours under an illness which altogether unfits her for

such a journey as betwixt this Castle and the neighbourhood of Oxford."

"This alters the matter," said the Queen, taking the certificates in

her hand, and glancing at their contents.--"Let Tressilian come

forward.--Master Tressilian, we have much sympathy for your situation,

the rather that you seem to have set your heart deeply on this Amy

Robsart, or Varney. Our power, thanks to God, and the willing obedience

of a loving people, is worth much, but there are some things which it

cannot compass. We cannot, for example, command the affections of a

giddy young girl, or make her love sense and learning better than a

courtier's fine doublet; and we cannot control sickness, with which it

seems this lady is afflicted, who may not, by reason of such infirmity,

attend our court here, as we had required her to do. Here are the

testimonials of the physician who hath her under his charge, and the

gentleman in whose house she resides, so setting forth."

"Under your Majesty's favour," said Tressilian hastily, and in his alarm

for the consequence of the imposition practised on the Queen forgetting

in part at least his own promise to Amy, "these certificates speak not

the truth."

"How, sir!" said the Queen--"impeach my Lord of Leicester's veracity!

But you shall have a fair hearing. In our presence the meanest of

our subjects shall be heard against the proudest, and the least known

against the most favoured; therefore you shall be heard fairly, but

beware you speak not without a warrant! Take these certificates in your

own hand, look at them carefully, and say manfully if you impugn the

truth of them, and upon what evidence."

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