"No, madam, do not suppose it," answered Janet readily; "the youth is an

honest youth in his purpose to you, and a friend to Master Tressilian,

under whose direction he is come hither."

"If he be a friend of Tressilian," said the Countess, "I will commit

myself to his charge as to that of an angel sent from heaven; for than

Tressilian never breathed mortal man more free of whatever was base,

false, or selfish. He forgot himself whenever he could be of use to

others. Alas! and how was he requited?"

With eager haste they collected the few necessaries which it was thought

proper the Countess should take with her, and which Janet, with speed

and dexterity, formed into a small bundle, not forgetting to add such

ornaments of intrinsic value as came most readily in her way, and

particularly a casket of jewels, which she wisely judged might prove of

service in some future emergency. The Countess of Leicester next changed

her dress for one which Janet usually wore upon any brief journey, for

they judged it necessary to avoid every external distinction which might

attract attention. Ere these preparations were fully made, the moon

had arisen in the summer heaven, and all in the mansion had betaken

themselves to rest, or at least to the silence and retirement of their


There was no difficulty anticipated in escaping, whether from the house

or garden, provided only they could elude observation. Anthony Foster

had accustomed himself to consider his daughter as a conscious sinner

might regard a visible guardian angel, which, notwithstanding his guilt,

continued to hover around him; and therefore his trust in her knew no

bounds. Janet commanded her own motions during the daytime, and had a

master-key which opened the postern door of the park, so that she could

go to the village at pleasure, either upon the household affairs, which

were entirely confided to her management, or to attend her devotions

at the meeting-house of her sect. It is true the daughter of Foster was

thus liberally entrusted under the solemn condition that she should not

avail herself of these privileges to do anything inconsistent with the

safe-keeping of the Countess; for so her residence at Cumnor Place

had been termed, since she began of late to exhibit impatience of the

restrictions to which she was subjected. Nor is there reason to suppose

that anything short of the dreadful suspicions which the scene of that

evening had excited could have induced Janet to violate her word or

deceive her father's confidence. But from what she had witnessed, she

now conceived herself not only justified, but imperatively called upon,

to make her lady's safety the principal object of her care, setting all

other considerations aside.

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