"And have you been indeed so very ill?" said Elizabeth, looking on him

with more attention than before; "you are, in faith, strangely altered,

and deeply am I grieved to see it. But be of good cheer--we will

ourselves look after the health of so valued a servant, and to whom we

owe so much. Masters shall order your diet; and that we ourselves

may see that he is obeyed, you must attend us in this progress to


This was said so peremptorily, and at the same time with so much

kindness, that Sussex, however unwilling to become the guest of his

rival, had no resource but to bow low to the Queen in obedience to

her commands, and to express to Leicester, with blunt courtesy, though

mingled with embarrassment, his acceptance of his invitation. As the

Earls exchanged compliments on the occasion, the Queen said to her High

Treasurer, "Methinks, my lord, the countenances of these our two noble

peers resemble those of the two famed classic streams, the one so dark

and sad, the other so fair and noble. My old Master Ascham would have

chid me for forgetting the author. It is Caesar, as I think. See what

majestic calmness sits on the brow of the noble Leicester, while Sussex

seems to greet him as if he did our will indeed, but not willingly."

"The doubt of your Majesty's favour," answered the Lord Treasurer, "may

perchance occasion the difference, which does not--as what does?--escape

your Grace's eye."

"Such doubt were injurious to us, my lord," replied the Queen. "We hold

both to be near and dear to us, and will with impartiality employ both

in honourable service for the weal of our kingdom. But we will break

their further conference at present.--My Lords of Sussex and Leicester,

we have a word more with you. 'Tressilian and Varney are near your

persons--you will see that they attend you at Kenilworth. And as we

shall then have both Paris and Menelaus within our call, so we will

have the same fair Helen also, whose fickleness has caused this

broil.--Varney, thy wife must be at Kenilworth, and forthcoming at my

order.--My Lord of Leicester, we expect you will look to this."

The Earl and his follower bowed low and raised their heads, without

daring to look at the Queen, or at each other, for both felt at the

instant as if the nets and toils which their own falsehood had woven

were in the act of closing around them. The Queen, however, observed

not their confusion, but proceeded to say, "My Lords of Sussex and

Leicester, we require your presence at the privy-council to be presently

held, where matters of importance are to be debated. We will then take

the water for our divertisement, and you, my lords, will attend us.--And

that reminds us of a circumstance.--Do you, Sir Squire of the Soiled

Cassock" (distinguishing Raleigh by a smile), "fail not to observe

that you are to attend us on our progress. You shall be supplied with

suitable means to reform your wardrobe."

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