Then call them to our presence. Face to face,

And frowning brow to brow, ourselves will hear

The accuser and accused freely speak;--

High-stomach'd are they both, and full of ire,

In rage deaf as the sea, hasty as fire.--RICHARD II.

"I am ordered to attend court to-morrow," said Leicester, speaking to

Varney, "to meet, as they surmise, my Lord of Sussex. The Queen intends

to take up matters betwixt us. This comes of her visit to Sayes Court,

of which you must needs speak so lightly."

"I maintain it was nothing," said Varney; "nay, I know from a sure

intelligencer, who was within earshot of much that was said, that Sussex

has lost rather than gained by that visit. The Queen said, when she

stepped into the boat, that Sayes Court looked like a guard-house, and

smelt like an hospital. 'Like a cook's shop in Ram's Alley, rather,'

said the Countess of Rutland, who is ever your lordship's good friend.

And then my Lord of Lincoln must needs put in his holy oar, and say

that my Lord of Sussex must be excused for his rude and old-world

housekeeping, since he had as yet no wife."

"And what said the Queen?" asked Leicester hastily.

"She took him up roundly," said Varney, "and asked what my Lord Sussex

had to do with a wife, or my Lord Bishop to speak on such a subject. 'If

marriage is permitted,' she said, 'I nowhere read that it is enjoined.'"

"She likes not marriages, or speech of marriage, among churchmen," said


"Nor among courtiers neither," said Varney; but, observing that

Leicester changed countenance, he instantly added, "that all the ladies

who were present had joined in ridiculing Lord Sussex's housekeeping,

and in contrasting it with the reception her Grace would have assuredly

received at my Lord of Leicester's."

"You have gathered much tidings," said Leicester, "but you have

forgotten or omitted the most important of all. She hath added another

to those dangling satellites whom it is her pleasure to keep revolving

around her."

"Your lordship meaneth that Raleigh, the Devonshire youth," said

Varney--"the Knight of the Cloak, as they call him at court?"

"He may be Knight of the Garter one day, for aught I know," said

Leicester, "for he advances rapidly--she hath capped verses with him,

and such fooleries. I would gladly abandon, of my own free will, the

part--I have in her fickle favour; but I will not be elbowed out of

it by the clown Sussex, or this new upstart. I hear Tressilian is

with Sussex also, and high in his favour. I would spare him for

considerations, but he will thrust himself on his fate. Sussex, too, is

almost as well as ever in his health." Copyright 2016 - 2024