"None of thy buffoonery, sir," said Tressilian sternly. "If thou hast

trifled with us--much more, if thou hast done aught that may prejudice

Sir Hugh Robsart's health, thou shalt find thy grave at the bottom of a


"I know too little of the great ARCANUM to convert the ore to

gold," said Wayland firmly. "But truce to your apprehensions, Master

Tressilian. I understood the good knight's case from what Master William

Badger told me; and I hope I am able enough to administer a poor dose

of mandragora, which, with the sleep that must needs follow, is all that

Sir Hugh Robsart requires to settle his distraught brains."

"I trust thou dealest fairly with me, Wayland?" said Tressilian.

"Most fairly and honestly, as the event shall show," replied the artist.

"What would it avail me to harm the poor old man for whom you are

interested?--you, to whom I owe it that Gaffer Pinniewinks is not even

now rending my flesh and sinews with his accursed pincers, and probing

every mole in my body with his sharpened awl (a murrain on the hands

which forged it!) in order to find out the witch's mark?--I trust to

yoke myself as a humble follower to your worship's train, and I only

wish to have my faith judged of by the result of the good knight's


Wayland Smith was right in his prognostication. The sedative draught

which his skill had prepared, and Will Badger's confidence had

administered, was attended with the most beneficial effects. The

patient's sleep was long and healthful, and the poor old knight awoke,

humbled indeed in thought and weak in frame, yet a much better judge of

whatever was subjected to his intellect than he had been for some time

past. He resisted for a while the proposal made by his friends that

Tressilian should undertake a journey to court, to attempt the recovery

of his daughter, and the redress of her wrongs, in so far as they might

yet be repaired. "Let her go," he said; "she is but a hawk that goes

down the wind; I would not bestow even a whistle to reclaim her." But

though he for some time maintained this argument, he was at length

convinced it was his duty to take the part to which natural affection

inclined him, and consent that such efforts as could yet be made

should be used by Tressilian in behalf of his daughter. He subscribed,

therefore, a warrant of attorney, such as the curate's skill enabled him

to draw up; for in those simple days the clergy were often the advisers

of their flock in law as well as in gospel.

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