She only seemed contented when staying at home and having as little to do with the Baron Group as possible. He resigned himself to the fact that she could never change and wondered how long he could remain faithful to her. While he was enchanted with Florentyna, Zaphia, without her looks and with her figure gone, left him cold. When they slept together he avoided making love, and, on the rare occasions when they did, he thought of other women. Soon he began to find any excuse to be away from Chicago and Zaphia's despondent and silently accusing face.

He began by making long trips to his other hotels, taking Florentyna along with him during her school holidays. He spent the first six months after his return to America visiting every hotel in theBaron Group in the same way he had done when he had taken over the company after Davis Le - roy's death. Within the year, they were all back to the high standard he expected of them, but Abel wanted to move forward again. He informed Curtis Fenton at the group's next quarterly meeting that his market research team was now advising him to build a hotel in Mexico and another in Brazil, and they were also searching for new lands on which to erect a Baron.

The Mexico City Baron and the Rio de Janeiro Baron,' said Abel. He liked the ring of those names.

'Well, you have adequate funds to cover the building costs,, &aid Curtis Fenton. The cash has certainly been accumulating in your absence. You could build a Baron al. most anywhere you choose. Heaven knows where you'll stop, Mr. Rosnovski.'

'One day, Mr. Fenton, I'll put a Baron in Warsaw, and then I'll think about stopping,' replied Abel. 'I may have 03 licked the Germans, but I still have a little score to settle with the Russians!

Curtis Fenton laughed. Only later that evening when he repeated the story to his wife did he decide that Abel Rosnovski had meant exactly what he.had said .., a Baron in Warsaw.

'Now where do I stand with Kane's bank?'

The sudden change in Abel's tone bothered Curtis Fentoq. It worried him that Abel Rosnovski still clearly held Kane responsible for Davis Leroy's premature death. He opened the special file and started reading.

'Lester, Kane and Company's shares are divided among fourteen members of the Lester family and six past and present employees while Mr. Kane himself is the largest stockholder, holding eight per cent.'

'Are any of the Lester family wilting to sell their shares?' enquired Abel.

'Perhaps if we can offer the right price. Miss Susan Lester, the late Charles Lester's daughter, has given us reason to believe she might consider parting with her shares, and Mr. Peter Parfitt, a former vice - chairman of Lestees, has also showed some interest in our approaches" 'What percentage do they both hold?'

'Susan Lester holds six per cent. While Peter Parfitt has only two per cent.'

'How much do they want for their shares?'

Curtis Fenton looked down at his file again while Abel glanced at Lester's latest annual report. His eyes came to a halt on Article Seven.

'Miss Susan Lester wants two million dollars for her six per cent and Mr.

Parfitt one million dollars for his two per cent? 'Mr. Parfitt is greedy,' said Abel. 'We will therefore wait until he is hungry. Buy. Miss Susan Lester's shares immediately without revealing whom you represent And keep we briefed on any change of heart by Mr.


Curtis Fenton coughed.

'Is something bothering you, Mr. Fenton?' asked Abel.

Curtis Penton hesitated. 'No, nothing,' he said unconvincingly.

'From now on I am putting someone in overall charge of the account whom you will know or certainly know of - Henry Osbome.'

"Congressman Osbome?' asked Curtis Fenton.

'Yes - are you acquainted with him?'

'Only by reputation,' said Fenton, with a faint note of disapproval, his head bowed.

Abel ignored the implied comment. He was only too aware of Henry's reputation, but while he had the ability to cut out all the middle men of bureaucracy and could ensure quick political decisions, he considered the risk was worthwhile. Not to mention the bond of common loathing of Kane. 'I'm also inviting Mr. Osborne to be a director of the Baron Group with special responsibility for the Kane amount. This information must, as always, be treated in the strictest confidence!

'As you wish,' said Fenton unhappily, wondering if he should express his personal misgivings to Abel Rosnovski.

'Brief me as soon as you have closed the deal with Miss Susan Lester!

'Yes, Mr, Rosnovski,' said Curtis Fenton without raising his head.

Abel returned to the Baron for lunch, where Henry 09bome was waiting to join him. Copyright 2016 - 2025