But Ian could barely process what his sister was saying with Tatiana standing so close. She was beyond beautiful in a black and white patterned dress that skimmed over her curves and fluttered around her knees. Her elegant outfit wasn’t extra-sexy tonight like it had been at the fundraiser, nor was it as pared down as the jeans and sweaters she’d worn on the island. But it didn’t matter how she dressed, or what side of herself she chose to showcase. Ian loved them all equally. Because he, too, loved her just the way she was. Full of constant questions, boundless bravery...and endless passion.

Knowing he’d never be able to stay away from her until the helicopter came—and that she deserved so much more than an impromptu apology and declaration of his love for her in the middle of her party—he gave Mia the case of bubbly, then turned and walked out the door again, heading for the tower.

A short while later, he heard his father say, “Mind if I join you for a little air?”


“Congratulations, again, on closing your new deal. We’re all very proud of you, and I know how thrilled you must be.”

They’d spoken on the phone the previous day, so Ian already knew how proud his parents were, but it was nice to hear it again. “Thanks. It’s a really good move for the company.” And yet, he wasn’t as over-the-top thrilled as he thought he’d be.

Because nothing felt right without Tatiana in his life.

“I’m in love with Tatiana, Dad.” It was the first time he’d told anyone of his feelings, but it didn’t feel right to keep it inside anymore. Especially not with the father he loved so much, whom he knew loved him just as much.

“She’s a beautiful woman. Sweet and talented, too.”

“Closing that deal should be the best thing that has ever happened to me, but nothing feels right without her.”

“I know what it’s like when things don’t feel right.” Max ran a hand through his hair. “Damn it, I’ve waited too long to sit down and talk with you about this.” His father turned to face him. “All these years have passed since I lost my job, and yet the sense of failure still gnaws at me sometimes when I think back to how I couldn’t figure out a way to provide for all of you.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“No, but it sure as hell felt like it when you had to leave college to start working for a paycheck. But for as low as my own pride in myself sank, I couldn’t have been prouder of you, watching the way you took the business world by storm. Even if my failures were the reason you’d had to get started with it in the first place.”

“Any one of us would have pitched in to help. I was just the right age to be the one who was able to do it. And I was happy to.”

“I know you were, but though you were so successful, and obviously thrived on the work you were doing, it wasn’t easy to watch you turn so serious, and to give up your dreams of playing football.”

“What I do now is a better fit than playing pro ball would ever have been.”

“Maybe, but I only wish you could have figured that out without the pressure of needing to earn as much money as fast as you could to save our house. You were pushed headlong into starting your own business while other college kids your age were busy figuring out how to get their papers written by only reading CliffsNotes.”

“For so long,” Ian told his father, “work felt like enough. Even when I was married, it was enough, and that’s why Chelsea and I didn’t last. I couldn’t run my business the way I wanted to, the way I knew I needed to, and also be there for her the way she wanted me to be. And the truth is that I never cared enough, never loved her enough to put her first.”

“But Tatiana is different, isn’t she?”

“I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her. The thing is—” He paused to look back toward the windows, through which he could see Tatiana standing in the middle of the living room looking so beautiful he could hardly believe she’d been his for a little while. “—I’ve screwed things up with her, Dad. Really, really badly.”

“For so many years,” his father said in a gentle voice, “your mother and I have hoped that you’d find someone who doesn’t want or need anything from you but love. And from what I can see, you don’t need to protect Tatiana like you protect your brothers and sister. You don’t need to save her like you saved me and your mother. You don’t need to prop her higher like you did your ex-wife, or prove that you can be a bigger and bigger success every year the way you do for your shareholders. All Tatiana wants is you. Nothing else.” Max gave Ian’s shoulder a squeeze before standing up. “Something tells me that regardless of how badly you think you’ve screwed things up, if you’re willing to give her yourself—every part of you, heart and soul, without holding anything back—the two of you are going to be just fine.”

And as his father’s words played again in his head, Ian realized he’d been about to blow it again. He’d been sitting out here waiting for the perfect time to literally sweep Tatiana off her feet in the romantic gesture he’d been so certain she wanted.

When all along, all she wanted was him.

One question at a time, one kiss at a time, Tatiana had taught him about love. The kind of real, powerful, forever love that his parents had...and that he’d been so sure would never be for him. Everything about the way he and Tatiana had come together had been unexpected and impromptu and messy.

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