"Well, I ain't got no time to spare," he said. "Are they ready?"

"I, as well as you Americans, can be the votary of business," answered

Ram Juna. "The first principle of business is promptitude. My friend,

they are ready."

"Well, hand 'em over," said the little man. "Now my job begins; and I

guess it's as ticklish as yours. You may need the skill, but I need the


"The daring of the leopard when it leaps from the bush where it

crouches, the daring which is half cunning, eh, my friend?" said the

Swami comfortably. "Here, take the package and go thy way. There will be

more in the future. These I brought with me from India, and even the

eagle customs found them not. Many night-hours have I spent in preparing

them, and mine eyes have been robbed of sleep. It is no slight task to

produce a masterpiece."

"Well, you certainly are a dandy," said the man, examining the contents

of his package. "I never seen anything like it. And those big hands,


"My hands obey the skill of my mind. And here, under the shadow of the

Early, I can work with purer courage. This is the perfection of a place.

It was the idea of genius to come here. Hold, let me examine the way

before thou goest."

"Aw, there won't be any body in the garden at this time o' night, and at

this time o' year."

"Nay, but it is the wise man who leaves no loophole for mistake," said

the Hindu, with practical caution.

He blew out the light and stepped in darkness to the entrance with the

air of one who would refresh his soul by gazing at the stars and wiping

out the trivialities of the day. After he had looked at the heavens, his

eyes fell with piercing swiftness upon the shadows of the garden, its

bushes, manlike or animal-like in the night.

It was as complete a piece of acting as though a large audience had been

there to see, but all thrown away on silence and solitude.

"Coast clear?" said a voice behind him.

"All is well," said the Swami. "Go forth to fortune."

The door closed softly, and Ram Juna sought the repose he had earned.

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