Trial in Camera

With Paranjape’s plea for a trial in camera began the post-lunch proceedings in the Judge’s chambers. He averred that the witness was entailed to have her identity as well as her deposition kept by the court away from the public. After all, he said, on her own, the witness had come forward to help the cause of justice and thus serve the public interest. Besides, he alerted the court about the delicate nature of her testimony and the likely embarrassment the cross-examination could cause her. Having considered Paranjape’s pleas on merits and as Mehrotra had no precedents to quote against to poke his nose; Justice Sumitra began the hearing in her chambers. Though the trial commenced soon enough, that seemed an eternity to the accused.

When the stage was set for Paranjape to take the floor, he ordained the witness to remove her burka. While Mehrotra tried to size up the young woman who emerged from the veil, Paranjape tried to map the nuances of Suresh’s demeanor.

“Don’t you know who she is?” Paranjape asked Suresh.

“Objection Ms. Justice,” roared Mehrotra from his seat. “If she’s to further the prosecution, the indicted has a right to know who she is and not the other way round.”

“Ms. Justice,” said Paranjape spiritedly, “the interests of justice would suffer if the objection is sustained.”

“You may proceed,” said Justice Sumitra.

“Have you ever met her before?” Paranjape asked Suresh menacingly.

Having realized the import of her appearance, Suresh was flabbergasted beyond belief. Besides, he had no brief from Mehrotra either to tackle the ticklish tangle.

“Why not recall the road accident,” Paranjape seemed to prompt Suresh, “in which you nearly got killed?”

“Oh, God, what a turn,” blurted out Suresh in spite of himself.

“Now you may make your statement,” Paranjape triumphantly turned to the eager woman.

“I have a few questions for her,” said Mehrotra to Justice Sumitra.

“You may proceed.”

“What’s your name?” asked Mehrotra hoping to catch the witness off guard.

“Don’t I have the court’s permission to keep it for myself?”

“Well, where do you live?” Mehrotra asked the woman. “I hope you would part with that information at least.”

“It's in New Delhi.”

“How long have you been living here?”

“Maybe, since I was born.”

“When were you born?” asked Mehrotra and added turning to Paranjape. “Excuse me for wanting to know the age of your witness, a woman at that.”

“The question is irrelevant, Ms. Justice,” said Paranjape in objection.

“Objection sustained,” said Ms. Justice.

“How far away is your house from the Defense Colony?” resumed Mehrotra. Copyright 2016 - 2024