A quarter of an hour passed before lessons again began, during which

the schoolroom was in a glorious tumult; for that space of time it

seemed to be permitted to talk loud and more freely, and they used

their privilege. The whole conversation ran on the breakfast, which

one and all abused roundly. Poor things! it was the sole

consolation they had. Miss Miller was now the only teacher in the

room: a group of great girls standing about her spoke with serious

and sullen gestures. I heard the name of Mr. Brocklehurst

pronounced by some lips; at which Miss Miller shook her head

disapprovingly; but she made no great effort to cheek the general

wrath; doubtless she shared in it.

A clock in the schoolroom struck nine; Miss Miller left her circle,

and standing in the middle of the room, cried "Silence! To your seats!"

Discipline prevailed: in five minutes the confused throng was

resolved into order, and comparative silence quelled the Babel

clamour of tongues. The upper teachers now punctually resumed their

posts: but still, all seemed to wait. Ranged on benches down the

sides of the room, the eighty girls sat motionless and erect; a

quaint assemblage they appeared, all with plain locks combed from

their faces, not a curl visible; in brown dresses, made high and

surrounded by a narrow tucker about the throat, with little pockets

of holland (shaped something like a Highlander's purse) tied in

front of their frocks, and destined to serve the purpose of a work-

bag: all, too, wearing woollen stockings and country-made shoes,

fastened with brass buckles. Above twenty of those clad in this

costume were full-grown girls, or rather young women; it suited them

ill, and gave an air of oddity even to the prettiest.

I was still looking at them, and also at intervals examining the

teachers--none of whom precisely pleased me; for the stout one was a

little coarse, the dark one not a little fierce, the foreigner harsh

and grotesque, and Miss Miller, poor thing! looked purple, weather-

beaten, and over-worked--when, as my eye wandered from face to face,

the whole school rose simultaneously, as if moved by a common


What was the matter? I had heard no order given: I was puzzled.

Ere I had gathered my wits, the classes were again seated: but as

all eyes were now turned to one point, mine followed the general

direction, and encountered the personage who had received me last

night. She stood at the bottom of the long room, on the hearth; for

there was a fire at each end; she surveyed the two rows of girls

silently and gravely. Miss Miller approaching, seemed to ask her a

question, and having received her answer, went back to her place,

and said aloud "Monitor of the first class, fetch the globes!"

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