"Where does she live, Hannah?"

"Clear up at Whitcross Brow, almost four miles off, and moor and

moss all the way."

"Tell him I will go."

"I'm sure, sir, you had better not. It's the worst road to travel

after dark that can be: there's no track at all over the bog. And

then it is such a bitter night--the keenest wind you ever felt. You

had better send word, sir, that you will be there in the morning."

But he was already in the passage, putting on his cloak; and without

one objection, one murmur, he departed. It was then nine o'clock:

he did not return till midnight. Starved and tired enough he was:

but he looked happier than when he set out. He had performed an act

of duty; made an exertion; felt his own strength to do and deny, and

was on better terms with himself.

I am afraid the whole of the ensuing week tried his patience. It

was Christmas week: we took to no settled employment, but spent it

in a sort of merry domestic dissipation. The air of the moors, the

freedom of home, the dawn of prosperity, acted on Diana and Mary's

spirits like some life-giving elixir: they were gay from morning

till noon, and from noon till night. They could always talk; and

their discourse, witty, pithy, original, had such charms for me,

that I preferred listening to, and sharing in it, to doing anything

else. St. John did not rebuke our vivacity; but he escaped from it:

he was seldom in the house; his parish was large, the population

scattered, and he found daily business in visiting the sick and poor

in its different districts.

One morning at breakfast, Diana, after looking a little pensive for

some minutes, asked him, "If his plans were yet unchanged."

"Unchanged and unchangeable," was the reply. And he proceeded to

inform us that his departure from England was now definitively fixed

for the ensuing year.

"And Rosamond Oliver?" suggested Mary, the words seeming to escape

her lips involuntarily: for no sooner had she uttered them, than

she made a gesture as if wishing to recall them. St. John had a

book in his hand--it was his unsocial custom to read at meals--he

closed it, and looked up, "Rosamond Oliver," said he, "is about to be married to Mr. Granby,

one of the best connected and most estimable residents in S-,

grandson and heir to Sir Frederic Granby: I had the intelligence

from her father yesterday."

His sisters looked at each other and at me; we all three looked at

him: he was serene as glass.

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