It was near Christmas by the time all was settled: the season of

general holiday approached. I now closed Morton school, taking care

that the parting should not be barren on my side. Good fortune

opens the hand as well as the heart wonderfully; and to give

somewhat when we have largely received, is but to afford a vent to

the unusual ebullition of the sensations. I had long felt with

pleasure that many of my rustic scholars liked me, and when we

parted, that consciousness was confirmed: they manifested their

affection plainly and strongly. Deep was my gratification to find I

had really a place in their unsophisticated hearts: I promised them

that never a week should pass in future that I did not visit them,

and give them an hour's teaching in their school.

Mr. Rivers came up as, having seen the classes, now numbering sixty

girls, file out before me, and locked the door, I stood with the key

in my hand, exchanging a few words of special farewell with some

half-dozen of my best scholars: as decent, respectable, modest, and

well-informed young women as could be found in the ranks of the

British peasantry. And that is saying a great deal; for after all,

the British peasantry are the best taught, best mannered, most self-

respecting of any in Europe: since those days I have seen paysannes

and Bauerinnen; and the best of them seemed to me ignorant, coarse,

and besotted, compared with my Morton girls.

"Do you consider you have got your reward for a season of exertion?"

asked Mr. Rivers, when they were gone. "Does not the consciousness

of having done some real good in your day and generation give



"And you have only toiled a few months! Would not a life devoted to

the task of regenerating your race be well spent?"

"Yes," I said; "but I could not go on for ever so: I want to enjoy

my own faculties as well as to cultivate those of other people. I

must enjoy them now; don't recall either my mind or body to the

school; I am out of it and disposed for full holiday."

He looked grave. "What now? What sudden eagerness is this you

evince? What are you going to do?"

"To be active: as active as I can. And first I must beg you to set

Hannah at liberty, and get somebody else to wait on you."

"Do you want her?"

"Yes, to go with me to Moor House. Diana and Mary will be at home

in a week, and I want to have everything in order against their

arrival." Copyright 2016 - 2024