"Briggs is in London. I should doubt his knowing anything at all

about Mr. Rochester; it is not in Mr. Rochester he is interested.

Meantime, you forget essential points in pursuing trifles: you do

not inquire why Mr. Briggs sought after you--what he wanted with


"Well, what did he want?"

"Merely to tell you that your uncle, Mr. Eyre of Madeira, is dead;

that he has left you all his property, and that you are now rich--

merely that--nothing more."


"Yes, you, rich--quite an heiress."

Silence succeeded.

"You must prove your identity of course," resumed St. John

presently: "a step which will offer no difficulties; you can then

enter on immediate possession. Your fortune is vested in the

English funds; Briggs has the will and the necessary documents."

Here was a new card turned up! It is a fine thing, reader, to be

lifted in a moment from indigence to wealth--a very fine thing; but

not a matter one can comprehend, or consequently enjoy, all at once.

And then there are other chances in life far more thrilling and

rapture-giving: THIS is solid, an affair of the actual world,

nothing ideal about it: all its associations are solid and sober,

and its manifestations are the same. One does not jump, and spring,

and shout hurrah! at hearing one has got a fortune; one begins to

consider responsibilities, and to ponder business; on a base of

steady satisfaction rise certain grave cares, and we contain

ourselves, and blood over our bliss with a solemn brow.

Besides, the words Legacy, Bequest, go side by side with the words,

Death, Funeral. My uncle I had heard was dead--my only relative;

ever since being made aware of his existence, I had cherished the

hope of one day seeing him: now, I never should. And then this

money came only to me: not to me and a rejoicing family, but to my

isolated self. It was a grand boon doubtless; and independence

would be glorious--yes, I felt that--that thought swelled my heart.

"You unbend your forehead at last," said Mr. Rivers. "I thought

Medusa had looked at you, and that you were turning to stone.

Perhaps now you will ask how much you are worth?"

"How much am I worth?"

"Oh, a trifle! Nothing of course to speak of--twenty thousand

pounds, I think they say--but what is that?"

"Twenty thousand pounds?"

Here was a new stunner--I had been calculating on four or five

thousand. This news actually took my breath for a moment: Mr. St.

John, whom I had never heard laugh before, laughed now.

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