"No, indeed, I don't; Mr. Rochester has something else to think

about. Never mind the ladies to-night; perhaps you will see them

to-morrow: here is your dinner."

She was really hungry, so the chicken and tarts served to divert her

attention for a time. It was well I secured this forage, or both

she, I, and Sophie, to whom I conveyed a share of our repast, would

have run a chance of getting no dinner at all: every one downstairs

was too much engaged to think of us. The dessert was not carried

out till after nine and at ten footmen were still running to and fro

with trays and coffee-cups. I allowed Adele to sit up much later

than usual; for she declared she could not possibly go to sleep

while the doors kept opening and shutting below, and people bustling

about. Besides, she added, a message might possibly come from Mr.

Rochester when she was undressed; "et alors quel dommage!"

I told her stories as long as she would listen to them; and then for

a change I took her out into the gallery. The hall lamp was now

lit, and it amused her to look over the balustrade and watch the

servants passing backwards and forwards. When the evening was far

advanced, a sound of music issued from the drawing-room, whither the

piano had been removed; Adele and I sat down on the top step of the

stairs to listen. Presently a voice blent with the rich tones of

the instrument; it was a lady who sang, and very sweet her notes

were. The solo over, a duet followed, and then a glee: a joyous

conversational murmur filled up the intervals. I listened long:

suddenly I discovered that my ear was wholly intent on analysing the

mingled sounds, and trying to discriminate amidst the confusion of

accents those of Mr. Rochester; and when it caught them, which it

soon did, it found a further task in framing the tones, rendered by

distance inarticulate, into words.

The clock struck eleven. I looked at Adele, whose head leant

against my shoulder; her eyes were waxing heavy, so I took her up in

my arms and carried her off to bed. It was near one before the

gentlemen and ladies sought their chambers.

The next day was as fine as its predecessor: it was devoted by the

party to an excursion to some site in the neighbourhood. They set

out early in the forenoon, some on horseback, the rest in carriages;

I witnessed both the departure and the return. Miss Ingram, as

before, was the only lady equestrian; and, as before, Mr. Rochester

galloped at her side; the two rode a little apart from the rest. I

pointed out this circumstance to Mrs. Fairfax, who was standing at

the window with me "You said it was not likely they should think of being married,"

said I, "but you see Mr. Rochester evidently prefers her to any of

the other ladies."

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