So saying, the Prince marshalled Rowena to the seat of honour opposite

his own, while the fairest and most distinguished ladies present crowded

after her to obtain places as near as possible to their temporary


No sooner was Rowena seated, than a burst of music, half-drowned by

the shouts of the multitude, greeted her new dignity. Meantime, the sun

shone fierce and bright upon the polished arms of the knights of either

side, who crowded the opposite extremities of the lists, and held eager

conference together concerning the best mode of arranging their line of

battle, and supporting the conflict.

The heralds then proclaimed silence until the laws of the tourney should

be rehearsed. These were calculated in some degree to abate the dangers

of the day; a precaution the more necessary, as the conflict was to be

maintained with sharp swords and pointed lances.

The champions were therefore prohibited to thrust with the sword, and

were confined to striking. A knight, it was announced, might use a mace

or battle-axe at pleasure, but the dagger was a prohibited weapon. A

knight unhorsed might renew the fight on foot with any other on the

opposite side in the same predicament; but mounted horsemen were in that

case forbidden to assail him. When any knight could force his antagonist

to the extremity of the lists, so as to touch the palisade with his

person or arms, such opponent was obliged to yield himself vanquished,

and his armour and horse were placed at the disposal of the conqueror.

A knight thus overcome was not permitted to take farther share in the

combat. If any combatant was struck down, and unable to recover his

feet, his squire or page might enter the lists, and drag his master out

of the press; but in that case the knight was adjudged vanquished, and

his arms and horse declared forfeited. The combat was to cease as

soon as Prince John should throw down his leading staff, or truncheon;

another precaution usually taken to prevent the unnecessary effusion

of blood by the too long endurance of a sport so desperate. Any knight

breaking the rules of the tournament, or otherwise transgressing the

rules of honourable chivalry, was liable to be stript of his arms, and,

having his shield reversed to be placed in that posture astride upon the

bars of the palisade, and exposed to public derision, in punishment of

his unknightly conduct. Having announced these precautions, the heralds

concluded with an exhortation to each good knight to do his duty, and to

merit favour from the Queen of Beauty and of Love.

This proclamation having been made, the heralds withdrew to their

stations. The knights, entering at either end of the lists in long

procession, arranged themselves in a double file, precisely opposite to

each other, the leader of each party being in the centre of the foremost

rank, a post which he did not occupy until each had carefully marshalled

the ranks of his party, and stationed every one in his place. Copyright 2016 - 2025