The heralds left their pricking up and down,

Now ringen trumpets loud and clarion.

There is no more to say, but east and west,

In go the speares sadly in the rest,

In goth the sharp spur into the side,

There see men who can just and who can ride;

There shiver shaftes upon shieldes thick,

He feeleth through the heart-spone the prick;

Up springen speares, twenty feet in height,

Out go the swordes to the silver bright;

The helms they to-hewn and to-shred;

Out burst the blood with stern streames red.


Morning arose in unclouded splendour, and ere the sun was much above the

horizon, the idlest or the most eager of the spectators appeared on the

common, moving to the lists as to a general centre, in order to secure a

favourable situation for viewing the continuation of the expected games.

The marshals and their attendants appeared next on the field, together

with the heralds, for the purpose of receiving the names of the knights

who intended to joust, with the side which each chose to espouse. This

was a necessary precaution, in order to secure equality betwixt the two

bodies who should be opposed to each other.

According to due formality, the Disinherited Knight was to be considered

as leader of the one body, while Brian de Bois-Guilbert, who had been

rated as having done second-best in the preceding day, was named first

champion of the other band. Those who had concurred in the challenge

adhered to his party of course, excepting only Ralph de Vipont, whom his

fall had rendered unfit so soon to put on his armour. There was no want

of distinguished and noble candidates to fill up the ranks on either


In fact, although the general tournament, in which all knights fought

at once, was more dangerous than single encounters, they were,

nevertheless, more frequented and practised by the chivalry of the age.

Many knights, who had not sufficient confidence in their own skill to

defy a single adversary of high reputation, were, nevertheless, desirous

of displaying their valour in the general combat, where they might

meet others with whom they were more upon an equality. On the present

occasion, about fifty knights were inscribed as desirous of combating

upon each side, when the marshals declared that no more could be

admitted, to the disappointment of several who were too late in

preferring their claim to be included.

About the hour of ten o'clock, the whole plain was crowded with

horsemen, horsewomen, and foot-passengers, hastening to the tournament;

and shortly after, a grand flourish of trumpets announced Prince John

and his retinue, attended by many of those knights who meant to take

share in the game, as well as others who had no such intention. Copyright 2016 - 2025