The man had no covering upon his head, which was

only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and

scorched by the influence of the sun into a rusty dark-red colour,

forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was

rather of a yellow or amber hue. One part of his dress only remains, but

it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a

dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck,

so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to

be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this

singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the

following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of

Cedric of Rotherwood."

Beside the swine-herd, for such was Gurth's occupation, was seated, upon

one of the fallen Druidical monuments, a person about ten years younger

in appearance, and whose dress, though resembling his companion's in

form, was of better materials, and of a more fantastic appearance. His

jacket had been stained of a bright purple hue, upon which there had

been some attempt to paint grotesque ornaments in different colours. To

the jacket he added a short cloak, which scarcely reached half way down

his thigh; it was of crimson cloth, though a good deal soiled, lined

with bright yellow; and as he could transfer it from one shoulder to the

other, or at his pleasure draw it all around him, its width, contrasted

with its want of longitude, formed a fantastic piece of drapery. He had

thin silver bracelets upon his arms, and on his neck a collar of the

same metal bearing the inscription, "Wamba, the son of Witless, is the

thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood." This personage had the same sort of

sandals with his companion, but instead of the roll of leather thong,

his legs were cased in a sort of gaiters, of which one was red and the

other yellow. He was provided also with a cap, having around it more

than one bell, about the size of those attached to hawks, which jingled

as he turned his head to one side or other; and as he seldom remained a

minute in the same posture, the sound might be considered as incessant.

Around the edge of this cap was a stiff bandeau of leather, cut at the

top into open work, resembling a coronet, while a prolonged bag arose

from within it, and fell down on one shoulder like an old-fashioned

nightcap, or a jelly-bag, or the head-gear of a modern hussar. It was to

this part of the cap that the bells were attached; which circumstance,

as well as the shape of his head-dress, and his own half-crazed,

half-cunning expression of countenance, sufficiently pointed him out as

belonging to the race of domestic clowns or jesters, maintained in the

houses of the wealthy, to help away the tedium of those lingering

hours which they were obliged to spend within doors. He bore, like

his companion, a scrip, attached to his belt, but had neither horn nor

knife, being probably considered as belonging to a class whom it is

esteemed dangerous to intrust with edge-tools. In place of these, he

was equipped with a sword of lath, resembling that with which Harlequin

operates his wonders upon the modern stage. Copyright 2016 - 2025