Cedric readily assented to what she proposed, and Athelstane only added

the condition, "that they should travel in the rear of the whole party,

where Wamba," he said, "might attend them with his shield of boar's


"I have left my shield in the tilt-yard," answered the Jester, "as has

been the fate of many a better knight than myself."

Athelstane coloured deeply, for such had been his own fate on the

last day of the tournament; while Rowena, who was pleased in the same

proportion, as if to make amends for the brutal jest of her unfeeling

suitor, requested Rebecca to ride by her side.

"It were not fit I should do so," answered Rebecca, with proud humility,

"where my society might be held a disgrace to my protectress."

By this time the change of baggage was hastily achieved; for the single

word "outlaws" rendered every one sufficiently alert, and the approach

of twilight made the sound yet more impressive. Amid the bustle, Gurth

was taken from horseback, in the course of which removal he prevailed

upon the Jester to slack the cord with which his arms were bound. It was

so negligently refastened, perhaps intentionally, on the part of Wamba,

that Gurth found no difficulty in freeing his arms altogether from

bondage, and then, gliding into the thicket, he made his escape from the


The bustle had been considerable, and it was some time before Gurth was

missed; for, as he was to be placed for the rest of the journey behind

a servant, every one supposed that some other of his companions had him

under his custody, and when it began to be whispered among them

that Gurth had actually disappeared, they were under such immediate

expectation of an attack from the outlaws, that it was not held

convenient to pay much attention to the circumstance.

The path upon which the party travelled was now so narrow, as not to

admit, with any sort of convenience, above two riders abreast, and began

to descend into a dingle, traversed by a brook whose banks were broken,

swampy, and overgrown with dwarf willows. Cedric and Athelstane, who

were at the head of their retinue, saw the risk of being attacked at

this pass; but neither of them having had much practice in war, no

better mode of preventing the danger occurred to them than that they

should hasten through the defile as fast as possible. Advancing,

therefore, without much order, they had just crossed the brook with a

part of their followers, when they were assailed in front, flank,

and rear at once, with an impetuosity to which, in their confused and

ill-prepared condition, it was impossible to offer effectual resistance.

The shout of "A white dragon!--a white dragon!--Saint George for merry

England!" war-cries adopted by the assailants, as belonging to their

assumed character of Saxon outlaws, was heard on every side, and on

every side enemies appeared with a rapidity of advance and attack which

seemed to multiply their numbers.

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