“Greetings,” Eva said. She slid over to one side of the doorway, trying to see inside the house. “Aaron wanted me to ask you if you could come to a Restorers meeting at the palace in about an hour.” She managed a glance into the living quarters and saw that it looked just like every other Wanted house in Quill. There was no ice anywhere.

Gondoleery didn’t seem anxious at all about Eva standing there, and she didn’t seem to be hiding anything either. “The Restorers?” she said with a laugh. “I thought we had disbanded.”

Eva smiled. “Seems that way, doesn’t it?” she mused. “I guess Aaron wants to see who of the former Restorers is still on his side and perhaps find out if he has any enemies.”

Gondoleery laughed out loud, which was something the people of Quill never did, so it was all the more shocking to Eva. “Aaron? Enemies? Ohhh, well, of course not. How could anyone be against that boy?” Gondoleery looked hard at Eva.

Eva lifted her chin ever so slightly, her lips set in a line. “Exactly,” she said, her voice thin but not without a hint of accusation as well.

They stood for a moment, regarding each other through narrowed eyes. Finally Gondoleery broke the strained silence. “Please tell the high priest I can’t make the meeting.”

Eva nodded slightly. “I will deliver the message.”

As the Quillitary vehicle carried Eva back to the palace at a snail’s pace, Eva Fathom gazed out the window, lost in thought.

Warbler Calls

Inspiration struck, and as the ship traveled toward Warbler, Alex took out his notebook and drew tiny pictures of each member of his army. He tapped them

with a little bit of rubber, affixing the magical coating that would keep it from being destroyed under most circumstances. By late afternoon the pirate ship was drawing near to Warbler again, and this time it was heading straight for it. Alex was relieved, but still jittery. It was a dangerous mission—the evidence of which was found in the fresh scars around Meghan’s neck.

As they drew close to the island, Alex gathered all the Artiméans together again to discuss the mission and go over the plan. He held up the map, reminded everyone of their routes, and then he handed out the pictures he’d drawn earlier. “Even if you’ve never tried magic, you should be able to do this. If you are captured or in trouble, close your eyes and touch this drawing, and think or say the word ‘seek.’ It will send out a ball of fire, show me your picture, and guide me to your location. We will come for you. Don’t be afraid.” He paused, a lump in his throat, while he waited for everyone to either pocket their picture if they had pockets, or for Meghan to stick it to their bellies if they were statues or creatures.

“Now would be a good time to get some water and food if you can stand to eat,” he said. “I sure can’t,” he added with a grin, which brought a round of nervous laughs. “I’ll see you back at your stations in twenty minutes, ready to go.”

They all dispersed, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts again. He bounced on the balls of his feet, focused but anxious, and took a few deep breaths. Simber flew over to him.

“And what if you’rrre capturrred or in trrrouble?” Alex looked up. “What?”

“You gave everrryone a way to call for help but yourrrself. Don’t tell me I’m going to have to rrransack the whole island searrrching forrr you,” he said.

“Oh—I—” he started. “I guess I didn’t think of that.” He paused, and then said, “But I can’t give a drawing to myself, because the seek spell wouldn’t go anywhere.”

“I’m awarrre of that,” Simber said. He held the side of his paw to a burning torch for a few moments, brought it to his mouth, and bit down hard, making a cracking noise. He turned his paw up and let something slide from his mouth into it. “Somebody’s got to take carrre of you, I suppose,” he said gruffly. He tossed it to Alex.

Alex caught it and opened his hand. It was the stone dewclaw from Simber’s paw.

“Oh, Simber,” Alex said. “You didn’t have to ruin yourself.”

“Well, I can’t drrraw. Besides, I don’t use that claw anyway. I didn’t exactly make it, but it grrrew afterrr Marrrcus made me, so I’m hoping it counts as something I crrreated. It’s all I have. Just stick it in yourrr pocket and be quiet about it.” Simber frowned, which was an even surer sign that he cared.

Alex could hardly speak. “Thank you,” he said in a quiet voice.

Simber nodded and went back to his post.

Alex put the stone claw into his pocket, and it clinked against something. Alex reached farther and pulled out the two spell prototypes that Lani and Samheed had made.

“Oh yeah,” he said, smiling. He closed his hand over them and wished on them. And then slowly he opened his hand and stared at them, thinking hard. “Wait a second,” he whispered. His lips parted and he sucked in a short breath. And then he closed his hand over them tightly and pumped his fist. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s a bonus.”

As he slipped them back into his pocket, the captain called out, “Blast my skull! It’s land!”

The Front Line

From the deck, the Unwanteds could see no sign of life on the shores of Warbler. “It’s just like last time,” Meghan said in a soft voice to the first group. “Don’t be fooled. Right, guys?” she looked at Sky and Crow. They nodded. “There are eight or ten guards in the trees,”

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