Wine glass there was none in the hut, but Nora generously poured out a

large tea-cup full of fine old port that had been given her by Herman,

and handed it to the visitor.

Mrs. Jones' palate was accustomed to no better stimulant than weak toddy

made of cheap whisky and water, and sweetened with brown sugar.

Therefore to her this strong, sweet, rich wine was nectar.

"Now, this ere is prime! Now, where upon the face of the yeth did you

get this?" she inquired, as she sniffed and sipped the beverage, that

was equally grateful to smell and taste.

"A friend gave it to Nora, who has been poorly, you know; but Nora does

not like wine herself, and I would advise you not to drink all that, for

it would certainly get in your head," said Hannah.

"Law, child, I wish it would; if it would do my head half as much good

as it is a-doing of my insides this blessed minute! after being out in

the snow, too! Why, it makes me feel as good as preaching all over!"

smiled the old woman, slowly sniffing and sipping the elixir of life,

while her bleared eyes shone over the rim of the cup like phosphorus.

"But how came you out in the snow, Mrs. Jones?" inquired Hannah.

"Why, my dear, good child, when did ever I stop for weather? I've been

a-monthly nussing up to Colonel Mervin's for the last four weeks, and my

time was up to-day, and so I sat out to come home; and first I stopped

on my way and got my tea along of Mrs. Spicer, at Brudenell, and now I

s'pose I shall have to stop all night along of you. Can you 'commodate


"Of course we can," said Hannah. "You can sleep with me and Nora; you

will be rather crowded, but that won't matter on a cold night; anyway,

it will be better than for you to try to get home in this snow-storm."

"Thank y', children; and now, to pay you for that, I have got sich a

story to tell you! I've been saving of it up till I got dry and warm,

'cause I knew if I did but give you a hint of it, you'd be for wanting

to know all the particulars afore I was ready to tell 'em! But now I can

sit myself down for a good comfortable chat! And it is one, too, I tell

you! good as a novel!" said the old woman, nodded her head knowingly. Copyright 2016 - 2024