With this reply the young man was obliged to be contented. Soon after he

arose and took his leave.

When he was quite out of hearing Nora arose and threw herself into her

sister's arms, crying: "Oh, Hannah, consent! consent! I cannot live without him!"

The elder sister caressed the younger tenderly; told her of all the

dangers of a secret marriage; of all the miseries of an ill-sorted one;

and implored her to dismiss her wealthy lover, and struggle with her

misplaced love.

Nora replied only with tears and sobs, and vain repetitions of the

words: "I cannot live without him, Hannah! I cannot live without him!"

Alas, for weakness, willfulness, and passion! They, and not wise

counsels, gained the day. Nora would not give up her lover; would not

struggle with her love; but would have her own way.

At length, in yielding a reluctant acquiesence, Hannah said: "I would never countenance this--never, Nora! but for one reason; it is

that I know, whether I consent or not, you two, weak and willful and

passionate as you are, will rush into this imprudent marriage all the

same! And I think for your sake it had better take place with my

sanction, and in my presence, than otherwise."

Nora clasped her sister's neck and covered her face with kisses.

"He means well by us, dear Hannah--indeed he does, bless him! So do not

look so grave because we are going to be happy."

Had Herman felt sure of his answer the next day? It really seemed so;

for when he made his appearance at the cottage in the morning he brought

the marriage license in his pocket and a peripatetic minister in his


And before the astonished sisters had time to recover their

self-possession Herman Brudenell's will had carried his purpose, and the

marriage ceremony was performed. The minister then wrote out the

certificate, which was signed by himself, and witnessed by Hannah, and

handed it to the bride.

"Now, dearest Nora," whispered the triumphant bridegroom, "I am happy,

and you are safe!"

But--were either of them really safe or happy?

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