With some difficulty Hannah sought and found an old inkstand, a stumpy

pen, and a scrap of paper. It was the best she could do. Stationery was

scarce in the poor hut. She laid them on the table before Herman. And

with a trembling hand he wrote out a check upon the local bank and put

it in her hand, saying: "This sum will provide for the boy, and set you and Gray up in some

little business. You had better marry and go to the West, taking the

child with you. Be a mother to the orphan, Hannah, for he will never

know another parent. And now shake hands and say good-by, for we shall

never meet again in this world."

Too thoroughly bewildered with grief to comprehend the purport of his

words and acts, Hannah mechanically received the check and returned the

pressure of the hand with which it was given.

And the next instant the miserable young man was gone indeed.

Hannah dropped the paper upon the table; she did not in the least

suspect that that little strip of soiled foolscap represented the sum of

five thousand dollars, nor is it likely that she would have taken it had

she known what it really was. Hannah's intellects were chaotic with her

troubles. She returned to the bedside and was once more absorbed in her

sorrowful task, when she was again interrupted.

This time it was by old Dinah, who, having no hand at liberty, shoved

the door open with her foot, and entered the hut.

If "there is but one step between the sublime and the ridiculous," there

is no step at all between the awful and the absurd, which are constantly

seen side by side. Though such a figure as old Dinah presented, standing

in the middle of the death-chamber, is not often to be found in tragic

scenes. Her shoulders were bent beneath the burden of an enormous bundle

of bed clothing, and her arms were dragged down by the weight of two

large baskets of provisions. She was much too absorbed in her own

ostentatious benevolence to look at once towards the bed and see what

had happened there. Probably, if she glanced at the group at all, she

supposed that Hannah was only bathing Nora's head; for instead of going

forward or tendering any sympathy or assistance, she just let her huge

bundle drop from her shoulders and sat her two baskets carefully upon

the table, exclaiming triumphantly: "Dar! dar's somefin to make de poor gal comfo'ble for a mont' or more!

Dar, in dat bundle is two thick blankets and four pa'r o' sheets an'

pilly cases, all out'n my own precious chist; an' not beholden to ole

mis' for any on 'em," she added, as she carefully untied the bundle and

laid its contents, nicely folded, upon a chair.

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