“For who?” Elissa asked, although she had a good idea.


Ashley nudged her onto a stool at the counter, then crossed to the ice-cream freezer and grabbed a scoop.

“You’re not yourself,” Ashley said. “It’s been coming on for a while, but in the past couple of days, something’s gone very bad.”

Elissa winced. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it so obvious.”

“And yet you did,” Mindy said with a grin. “Come on. You know we love you. Tell us what’s wrong.”

Elissa hesitated more because she didn’t know where to start than because she felt like keeping secrets.

“It’s that guy,” Ashley said. “Isn’t it?”

“Partly. It’s also about my family. My parents. They live here in Seattle.”

Both women stared at her openmouthed.

One of the things Elissa had liked best about working here was the lack of questions about her past. It was understood that everyone had secrets and they weren’t expected to share them. Now she gave her friends the Cliff Notes version of her past, starting with her running away and finishing with her Sunday-morning visit with her folks.

“I don’t know what I think about any of it,” she admitted. “I’m confused. On the one hand, it’s nice to have family again, but on the other, I don’t know. Now they know I’m here and we’re involved and I’m the one who ran away so why am I so angry with them?”

Mindy moved next to her and gave her a hug. “Because they went on to have lives that didn’t include you. Because they didn’t suffer enough.”

Elissa had a feeling she was right. “I hate thinking that. It’s shallow and selfish.”

“It’s human. You went away and the world went on. Look how much you changed. They changed, too. It’s going to take time to figure out this new relationship.”

Elissa nodded, then accepted the chocolate milk shake Ashley passed her. “I’m just so confused. It’s not just them. It’s Walker.”

Ashley and Mindy exchanged a glance. “I knew it had to be a guy,” Mindy said. “He seemed the likely candidate.” She dipped a spoon into her milk shake. “He’s good-looking, has money and is single. What’s the problem?”

“I would just like to make it clear that this is a theoretical discussion. I’m not actually interested in a relationship.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. “Of course you’re not.”

Elissa ignored that. “He’s emotionally unavailable. He’s told me and told me and now I’m thinking maybe he’s telling the truth.”

“If you don’t want a relationship, that matters why?” Ashley asked.

Elissa winced. “Did I say theoretical?”

“I don’t think it’s a theory anymore,” Mindy told her. “Do you?”

Elissa didn’t know how to answer. A week ago she might have admitted interest. But now…

Hearing about Charlotte had changed everything. He’d abandoned the one person he claimed to love. That scared her.

“I want someone who’s going to be there,” she said slowly, more to herself than them. “I’ve done the narcissistic, self-absorbed guy relationships already. I don’t want that. I want…”

“You want it all,” Mindy said with a sigh.

“Don’t we all?” Ashley said. “Someone who makes us laugh, who is supportive and willing to be there through the tough stuff. Why is that so hard to find? I’m willing to do the same for the guy in my life.” She sipped her milk shake. “Is it guys or is it us?”

“It’s a pain in the ass,” Mindy said. She looked at Elissa. “How bad is it? Are you completely in love with him or can you still escape, emotionally I mean?”

Elissa dropped her spoon into the glass. She felt her eyes widen and her mouth drop open. “I am not in love with him.”

“Uh-huh.” Mindy shook her head. “Whatever you do, don’t sleep with him. Women tend to bond when they do that. I hate it, but it’s true. God knows when I sleep with a guy, everything changes. I think it’s hormones—some biological need to mate. I read about it once. Whatever it is, avoid it.” She frowned. “You haven’t slept with him, have you?”

“Of course not,” Elissa said hotly, confident that what they had done didn’t count. At least not technically.

“I told you,” she continued, “I’m not getting involved.”

Ashley smiled. “I hate to be the one to break the news, but you are involved and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. You’re going to have to deal with it, and him.”

“There is no us. There’s barely a him,” Elissa insisted.

“Keep saying that,” Mindy told her. “Maybe one day it will be true.”

WALKER PARKED IN FRONT of The Waterfront. The restaurant wouldn’t open for several hours, but he was there for a meeting with the new general manager.

As he stepped out of his SUV, his cell phone rang.

“Buchanan,” he said.

“Hi, it’s Vicki. I’m sorry to bother you but you had a call from a gentleman named Bob Rickman. He says you’ll know who he is.” She read off the number.

“I’ll take care of it,” he said and hung up. He hadn’t talked to Bob in a couple of years, not since he’d left the Corps to start his own security company.

Walker punched in the number and asked for his friend. He was put through immediately.

“I heard you were out,” Bob said, his voice hearty and loud. “I thought you’d be in until they carted you away in a box.”

“Me, too, but things changed.”

“Apparently. Hey, what are you doing with yourself?”

“Running the family business.”

Bob laughed. “That won’t last. I have a better offer. I’m expanding, Walker, and I need good people. People like you. I’m talking big bucks and international security in some pretty dangerous places. Long hours with plenty of compensation. Island vacations, hot-and-cold running babes, you name it. You could make a fortune working for me.”

“Or get dead,” Walker said easily. Death was the downside. The upside was when he saw men with guns, they would be real.

Bob laughed. “Sure, nothing’s free, but you’re smart. You know how to keep your head down. Besides, it’s not as if you’re going to make it where you are. Come on, Walker. I know guys like you. Hell, I used to be one. The civilian world is all well and good, but we’re not like them. We live on the edge. This is where you belong.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Don’t say no,” Bob told him. “Think about my offer. You have my number.”

“I’m not going to change my mind.”

“Give it time. You’ll get bored and I’ll be waiting.”

Walker disconnected the call. Maybe Bob was right—maybe he never would fit in here, but he wasn’t going back.

He crossed the walkway and entered the restaurant. It was cool and dark inside. He could smell garlic and something simmering that made his mouth water.

But instead of thinking about food, he found himself thinking about Elissa. He hadn’t seen her in several days, and he didn’t expect to for a long time. Not after what he’d told her. Now that she knew the truth, he understood she would want to keep her distance from him.

He made his way to Dani’s office. The door was partially closed. He pushed it open without knocking and saw his baby sister locked in the arms of the new general manager.

“I must be early for our meeting,” he said wryly as they both turned to stare at him.

“Sorry,” Dani said with a grin as she stepped away from Ryan.

Walker ignored his sister and kept his attention on the other man. Ryan straightened and offered his hand.

“Walker,” he said.


They shook. Walker wanted to squeeze until he heard bones pop, but he resisted the momentary pleasure.

Ryan and Dani exchanged a glance. “It’ll be okay,” she told him. “Give me a minute.”

Ryan nodded and left her office. Dani turned to Walker.

“Don’t yell at him.”

“Interesting behavior.”

Her humor faded. “I mean it, Walker. Okay, yes, you’re right. This isn’t something we should be doing at work, but we were and so what? It doesn’t hurt anyone.” She paused and her smile returned. “I like him. He thinks I’m sexy and after what happened with Hugh, I deserve that.”

He could have resisted almost anything but Dani’s smile. “Is it going anywhere?”

“I don’t know. I want to say yes, but we haven’t known each other for very long and I’m still going through my divorce. So I’m not sure. But given my choice, I’d want it to be.”

“Don’t get hurt,” he told her.

“I won’t. This time I’m keeping my heart out of play until I’m sure. But what we’re doing is really nice.”

“I don’t want details.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, yeah.”

It was good to see Dani happy again. Hugh had been a real bastard, first asking for a divorce—after Dani had nursed him and supported him for ten years—then blaming the breakup on Dani. That was bad enough, but finding out he was cheating on her, as well, had made things really tough.

“I should let you get to your meeting,” she said.

“It should be your meeting.”

“No, I don’t want the job. I mean it,” she told him. “When Penny’s back, I’m leaving. Right now it’s fun to thumb my nose at Gloria. I know it makes her crazy to have me here, but eventually, I’m going to want to get back to my actual career.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Not at the moment. You’ll always be there for me. I appreciate that.” She smiled. “Don’t get mad at Ryan for being involved with me. It’s not his fault. I’m just too darned irresistible.”

SATURDAY MORNING ELISSA checked Zoe’s small suitcase three times.

“I have everything,” her daughter told her patiently.

“I know. I just want to be sure.” Elissa ignored the fact that anything forgotten could be delivered in less than thirty minutes—much like a pizza. “You’re going to have a good time,” she said, much more for herself than for Zoe.

“I know.” Her daughter beamed. “Grandma and Grandpa are taking me to the zoo this afternoon. And we’re making cookies and then we’re watching TV tonight. It’s gonna be really, really fun.”

“It is.”

Elissa had been looking forward to the time alone. She could use it to work on inventory for the craft show. But now that it was actually time for Zoe to leave, she didn’t want her to go.

“This is your first sleepover,” she said. “It might seem strange at first.”

“Mommy, I’m five. I can do this.”

Before Elissa could answer, her mother pulled up. Zoe ran to the front door and flung it open.

“I’m ready,” she called.

Elissa moved more slowly, trying to think up excuses to keep Zoe home. Unfortunately, nothing came to her.

She walked to the open door and smiled. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, girls.” Her mother turned to Zoe. “Are you ready?”

“Uh-huh. I’m packed. I even brought my sleep teddy.”

“Good for you.”

Elissa picked up her suitcase and then put it down. “It’s her first time away from home,” she said. “She’s only five.”

“She’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I’ve raised children of my own.”

“I know. It’s just…”

Her mother waited patiently, but Elissa couldn’t say what it was. So she shrugged and carried Zoe’s suitcase to the car.

Zoe followed with her worn bear and placed it carefully on the backseat. Then she ran back to the house.

“I’m going to say goodbye to Mrs. Ford,” she yelled.

“Okay.” Elissa crossed her arms over her chest and waited until Zoe disappeared into the house before turning to her mother. “She likes a glass of water before bed. Not a big one, or she’ll have to get up. And sometimes she doesn’t eat all her dinner, which is fine. I never make her finish it.”

“I know all this,” her mother said. “It’s what I did with you.”

“Okay. Right.” Elissa couldn’t shake her feeling of dread. “Look, I think it’s too soon. Zoe’s too young and we need more time for her to get to know you.”

Her mother’s hazel eyes narrowed. “More time? You mean the time I would have had if you’d come home when you’d found out you were pregnant? The time I would have had if you’d never run away in the first place?”

Elissa took a step back. “What?”

“I’ve done my best to be patient and understanding,” her mother said in a low angry voice. “But don’t push me, Elissa. I’m hanging on by a thread.”

“You’re hanging on? What have you got to be upset about?”

“What? How about the fact that my daughter disappeared for eight years? Eight years. We didn’t know if you were dead or alive. One day you were simply gone. Do you have any idea what that was like? Do you know how many nights I waited, desperate for a phone call or any word at all, yet terrified of what it would be? I half expected them to find your body. But they didn’t and in a way the not knowing was worse.”

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