His gaze dropped from her face to her T-shirt, then swept back up again, blazing with heat.

She looked down. Her ni**les were two tight little dark points pressing against the white material as if begging for attention.


“Is this the part where you tell me that they’re just br**sts?” he asked a little thickly. “Because I’ve got to tell you, Harley, they’re pretty fantastic br**sts.”

“It’s not like you haven’t seen them before.”

He stared at her while the shock reverberated through her. Why had she said that? God. She whipped around to grab her pack but he snagged her by the back of the shirt and reeled her in like a snared fish.

“Look,” she said. “I have to-”

“Talk to me.”

“Yeah, that’s not what I was going to say.” She struggled against him uselessly. “Let go.”

“Goddammit, Harley.” Shrugging out of his shell, he wrapped her up in it.

The warmth from his body infused her and she sighed. Okay, she’d needed that. “Thank you.”

Not responding, he pulled out another shell from his pack and put it on himself, proving how much smarter than her he was. He wouldn’t let himself get wet and cold. He was too good for that. Then before she could grab her backpack and put it back on, he once again effortlessly pinned her to the tree, his face in hers. “For years you’ve avoided me or been pissed off at me. But now you keep saying things that give me the impression I’m either stupid, or missing something.”

She closed her eyes. “The latter.”

“Now we’re getting somewhere. And I’m not moving, you’re not moving, no one’s moving until you talk,” he said.

He wasn’t kidding. He’d completely immobilized her, which meant that once again he was plastered up against her and that meant her brain was functioning at less than ten percent. Far too low for rational decision-making processes.

The rain was still falling all around them, splattering on the ground with an oddly musical sound. The tree provided a good amount of relief. It was their own little cocoon, enclosing them, providing protection, creating an intoxicating sense of intimacy.

An intimacy that was increased tenfold by TJ’s gentle but firm hold. “This is ridiculous,” she said. “We can talk later. At home.”

“What’s ridiculous,” he said, enunciating her word, “is the fact that we’ve been tiptoeing around each other for forever now, and I want to know why. Whenever I get too close, you either snap at me or get all flustered, and if I touch you, we’re so combustible, we just about burst into flames.” He bent his knees a little to better see into her face. “I’m completely willing to go up in flames, by the way.” His smile was tight, his eyes dark. “But this first.”

Her breath caught. “This?”

“Yes. Let’s start with why you treat Cam and Stone like they’re blood, and me like the redheaded bastard stepbrother.”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly use the word brother…” she muttered, drawing a breath. Not easy when she was plastered to him, chest to chest, belly to belly, thighs to thighs, and everything in between. “Please, TJ…just let it go.”

He dropped his head close, so close that his jaw brushed hers. The stubble there scraped gently across her skin and gave her a shiver. The good kind, dammit.

“Tell me,” he said in that quiet voice that tended to make people do exactly as he asked.

She curled into him. He smelled so good. So good that she maybe, sort of, kind of by accident, pressed her nose to his neck.


His low voice rumbled from his chest, a soft warning she didn’t heed, and when she moved against him again, his grip went from gentle to something far more dangerous as he breathed her name again.

Unable to help herself, she pressed her mouth to his neck and felt him stir against her.

“You’re trying to distract me,” he whispered roughly.

Distract him, herself…

And before she gave too much thought to it, she opened her mouth on his throat, scraping him with her teeth, absorbing his rough groan.

And then…

And then he abruptly yanked himself free of her with a soft oath, pushing her behind him. “TJ? What-”

He strode from beneath the protection of the tree to the center of the clearing, his head cocked as if listening for something.

“What?” she said.

“Someone was standing right here, watching us.”


“I don’t know.” He turned and pointed at her. “Stay.”

And then he vanished down the path.


Harley waited a few minutes, but when TJ didn’t come right back, she went after him. He was a hundred or so yards down the trail, and when he saw her, said nothing.

Fine with her.

Speaking, sharing, emoting…all waaaaay overrated.

Finally, hands on his hips, looking torn between frustration and acceptance, he spoke. “Nice job on the staying thing.”

“Did you see who it was?”

“No, just a flash. A guy though.”

“The forest service told me I was the only one who pulled a permit for this weekend.”

He was quiet as he absorbed that, not looking happy.

“Back there, at the tree,” she said, “when you realized we weren’t alone, you pushed me behind you.”

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