Just as I was about to fall, Brody stopped and covered my body with his. “I can’t take it, Vik, I love being inside of you without protection. I want to feel that tight pussy squeeze my cock as you come.”

The next thing I knew, he was gliding into me, pumping and pumping, hitting me in that perfect sweet-spot each time. With each thrust my body seemed to take him deeper. It was as if he knew exactly what to do to make my body react. The freedom of letting myself go and running my hands over his warm skin pulled me higher. There was nothing—no blindfold nor protection—between us. It was raw skin on skin and I couldn’t get enough.

When the mountain reappeared, I craved the peak. However, each time he drove into me, I couldn’t deny the pleasure of the climb. With our goal in sight, Brody reached between us and pinched my clit as he simultaneously leaned down and sucked my hard nipples. The combination sent me flying. No longer breathing, only sounds escaped my lips. My core detonated and waves of heat radiated from our bodies, dispersing the anxiety from earlier and leaving me satiated.

“Fucking fantastic!” Brody growled as he too fell from our mountain. His shoulders relaxed and his cheek, soft with a day’s beard growth, rubbed mine, before he rolled to my side. When I turned toward him, I found myself momentarily lost in the aquamarine.

“Vik,” he said, his voice soft and tender, “today at the funeral, I wish I could be with you, holding your hand, supporting you.”

We both knew that wasn’t possible. “Brody, you don’t owe me…”

“It has nothing to do with obligation. I want to be there.” His gaze shimmered. “And I will.”

My eyes opened in question.

“I’ll be there in the crowd. You can count on that. But most importantly, know I’m in you. As you’re listening to the amazing attributes of the great Stewart Harrington, remember it’s my come inside of you. And if I have anything to say about it, that’s not just today.” He reached for my hand and kissed my fingers. “I’m not pressuring you. It’s just that I want you to know that I’ve wanted to be the only man in your life for a long time. I want it even more now.”

I didn’t know what to say. I kissed his soft, fuzzy cheek. “I’ll remember.”

A quick shower, and twenty minutes later, I went out into the dark, still morning and slipped into Val’s car. I wondered once again about Brody’s car. Maybe I should have offered him a ride. Before I could process the thought, Travis’ SUV pulled up behind me, blocking me in my space. Sucking in my breath, my neck straightened in rage. What the fuck!

I wasn’t the only one upset. Watching him get out of the vehicle and stalk over in my direction, I could see the anger emanating from him. I flirted with the idea of hitting the gas and ramming into his SUV, but all that would do was turn Val’s car into an accordion, and besides, I owned that SUV. Instead, I tried for my most obvious bitch face, allowed my indignation to flow, and rolled down the window. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

With his teeth together and the vein pulsating in his forehead, Travis nodded. “Mrs. Harrington, I could ask you the same question, but since you reek of sex, I don’t need to.”

I didn’t fucking reek. I showered!

Undaunted by my expression, he went on, “I assume you’re on your way to return your sister’s car? You might want to wipe down her seat before you do.”

Maintaining my glare, I replied, “Need I remind you that you work for me?”

“No,” he leaned down and inhaled. Shaking his head, he lowered his voice. “You don’t need to remind me. I should’ve fucking accepted your dismissal, but I didn’t. My goddamn job is to keep you safe, just as it was to keep Mr. Harrington safe. Why don’t you get your slutty little ass back to Dr. Conway’s and then we can be on our way home? I’ll explain how you just about fucked up my job for good. Oh…” he added, with a tilt of his head toward the motel. “…you’re lucky I found you.”

“I’m tired of you talking in riddles. If you have something to say to me, fucking say it.”

Travis stood tall. In the light of early dawn, his muscular body in the tight black t-shirt and black slacks looked ominous. His characteristic glare that came at me through the narrowed eyes of disapproval only made him look more daunting. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Harrington, I have every intention of saying it. By the way, if you weren’t so busy getting fucked, you might have looked at your phone. Call your sister before you drop off her car.” He reached in his pocket, pulled out a tissue, and threw it toward the open window. “Take this. The good doctor doesn’t want to sit in your come.” With that, he turned and walked back to his SUV.

I stared as he backed up and waited for me to lead. He was right about one thing: I hadn’t looked at my phone. As a matter of fact, I’d turned it off as I entered the motel. I was tired of everyone and everything. And I’d had one goal—but I didn’t reek!

At the stop sign, I checked the newly lit screen: four text messages and two voicemails. I hit the voicemail as I accelerated.

First voicemail, from Lisa:

“Mrs. Harrington, I’m concerned. You should be home. Is everything all right? When may we expect you?”

Well, shit. I should have called her.

Second voicemail, from Val:

“Vik, call me. I know where you are, but call me. I just had some weird visitor asking about you. Here! At my apartment! What’s happening?”

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