I tried to comprehend Travis’ meaning. “The loan sharks? The ones who had Randall killed.”

He nodded. “Yes and no.”

The phone on my desk rang, shattering the intensity of our conversation. After staring, I took a breath and picked it up. It was Kristina. “Mrs. Harrington, Mr. Parker Craven is here.”

“Tell him I’m in a meeting. I’ll be with him as soon as possible.” I hung up the phone.

“What do you mean…?” I asked Travis. “Yes and no.”

“Loan sharks and high-end pimps, among other things. Randall was ready to work out a trade with them. You. You were the commodity, until Mr. Harrington stepped in. He bought out Randall’s deal. He saved you from them. They weren’t happy. To pacify them for overriding the deal, he agreed to share you.”

“That’s bullshit. He enjoyed sharing. It was for him.”

“He enjoyed it,” Travis agreed, “but it wasn’t just for him. It was for you.”

“For me? Why? And why would Randall do that?”

“They requested you. Your stepfather didn’t volunteer.”

I shook my head. “How would these people even have known who I was, ten years ago?”

Travis straightened his neck and squared his shoulders. “That’s something I can’t tell you.”

My gray gaze narrowed. “You can’t or you won’t.”

“I guess, I won’t.”

“Who are they?”

“They’re powerful people and lowlifes. They’re the people who run this city, this state, some who even fucking run the country. They are people you see at the country clubs and on the street corners. They’re people who know you and those you’ve never seen. They’re people who want to repay you a cruelty and people who don’t give a damn if you live or die. They’re people who have fucked you and people who have never touched you but royally fucked with your life.” He leaned in. “They’re your worst nightmare. And believe it or not, now that Mr. Harrington is gone, you’re looking at the only one who can save you from them.”

“Parker?” I asked with trepidation.

“Is one of them. Just like the friend yesterday. Mr. Harrington didn’t want to disappoint them. That’s why I did what I did. If you hadn’t heard your husband’s voice, you probably would’ve freaked out. You’re not ready to know whom you’re dealing with. Parker Craven is one of the people who’s indebted and entranced. You’re his way out. That’s why he wouldn’t complete the will. Mr. Harrington wanted your contract to go to me. Mr. Craven wanted it for himself.”

“What am I to you?”

Travis scanned me from breasts to eyes. “You’re a bitch. You’ve been a pain in my ass for ten years. You’re also fucking stronger than I ever thought. I want to do what Mr. Harrington never could or would. I want to see those fuckers pay and I think together, we could have the right amount of endurance to see it through. You see, I have my own history and set of issues with those people. Mr. Harrington helped me too. The difference between him and me is that I don’t have anything to lose. I think it’s time those assholes paid for what they’ve done to me and to you. Don’t you agree?”

My phone rang again. “What?” I asked, my mind reeling from Travis’ declaration.

“Ma’am, Mr. Craven…”

“Kristina, tell him I’m too distraught to meet with him today. Tell him that we’ll need to reschedule after Stewart’s funeral.”

I looked up to Travis’ smug expression. Hanging up the telephone, I said, “I don’t believe you. You’ve never given me any reason to trust you.” Although I did know that Stewart trusted him implicitly. “But I want to think about what you said before I make any—”

The sound of Kristina’s raised voice and the opening door stilled my words. My eyes widened as I watched Parker Craven push his way past my assistant, only to be stopped dead in his tracks when he was met chest to chest by Travis.

Chest to chest was not quite accurate. Travis stood a good five, or six inches taller.

“Victoria, this can’t wait…” Parker began, doing his best to ignore the mountain in his way.

“Mrs. Harrington, would you like me to show Mr. Craven out?” Travis’ smug demeanor immediately morphed to the bodyguard persona, the one that had always somewhat intimidated as well as creeped me out.

Gathering my wits, I stood. “Parker, I appreciate your taking the time to come over last night and this morning. As you can imagine, things are a little out of control right now.”

“Yes,” his tone dripped with compassion. “That’s why I’m here. Stewart had legal matters that cannot be left unattended. All I need is a few signatures. We don’t even need to discuss them until later. Just sign and I’ll take care of everything.”

Did he think I was a fucking idiot? Travis’ warning glare had new meaning. Could I trust the feeling that now he was protecting me? I’d always assumed I was the prey.

“May I see the papers?” I asked, ignoring Travis’ suddenly clenched jaw.

Parker stepped around Travis, opened his briefcase, and pulled out a folder. “Victoria, you’re not making a mistake. This is the best thing for your future and Stewart’s memory.” He opened the folder to a marked page. “You just need to sign…” He pointed. “…here.”

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