Hopefully we all can work this out without stooping to such low as violence but if it does we will be efficiently capable of defending all of our neighboring galaxies. she smiled and told him that was exactly what she thought and was hoping for. He put his arm around Ariel's arm giving her a hug and commented you will make a terrific Vulcan administrator if you want the job. She just kind of halfway smile. He knew something was on her mind.

She asked if they really look like the pictures she had seen of the ones that they had captured alive. He said yes they did at that time. She wondered what he meant so he clarified it by talling the had a high rapid metabolism allowing them to heal quickly making them difficult to kill so the ones they had on death rule changed their appearance by cutting the ridges off of their foreheads and other parts of their body to look like other species and escaped and highjack a starship and jetisiding out on wrap speed back to their planet.. He wasn't sure what they did with that starship.

She asked so there could be some descendants of theirs still alive. he replied yes there probably are.some. he asked her if there was a reson for all of her questioning. She stated if she does decide to become the leader of Vulcan she wants to be prepared with whatever comes her way. He commended her for wanting to know everything and be prepared for what ever might arise.

She accompanied her father to a log cabin in one of the mountain regions in the United States for a week. They enjoyed fishing, and even hunting small game for their dinner. She had to admit that both squirrels and rabbits had a good taste to them but she still prefer rabbits as pets than an food item. Her father pretended to be a member of the Vulcan parliament and grilled her with questions. The only question she stumbled on was her relationship with this young man name Joshua. he father knew even though she was trying to use her logical side her emotional kept coming out. He liked Joshua and had him investigated and he would make a suitable suiter for his daughter.

The next week they teleported to Vulcan for her testimony as whether she would make a good commander in chief. The panel came back with raving reviews. Now it really was up to her. She sat down with her grandfather and wanted his view point on everything including Joshua. He told her the same thing her father had told her. It was up to her. She wondered why her older brother hadn't been prepared to take over as commander in chief. She was told that the panel thought he might be too logical for his own good.

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