He asked her if she remembered being there and jetisiding off to Pluto. She nodded her head.He asked her to name the steps they took to get to Pluto. She said they took a flight to Europe by an airplane then transferred to another plane to Russia then took there space ship Sputnik 111 to the international space station the jetiside to Pluto. He nodded in an agreement. What happens when you get to Pluto. She inquire if they were going to build a space station that could you can take a space ship to our other world and any that is in that Star constellation.

He said yes that is why they are building a new Earth Space station that can hold as many different star ships from other planets. They are working on a new atmospheric chamber where another planets citizens can breath and relax. Right now only our starships can land here after jetisiding from Pluto She wondered why they didn't just go directly to Vulcan. He told her that there had been that rumor made and needed to be checked out. She then inquired to explain all of the levels of threats on the various planets. He replied all threats are taken very seriously.

The basis for the security levels always starts with a threat in itself. If in doubt always be safe. Someone is sent to check out the rumor which is exactly what we did. If everyone on our solar constellation had seen, heard of thought they had there would not have been an level alert given out. Level three was an item that could have been taken was out in the open, level four was two confirm cases of something being taken from a planet, and level five alert was someone had spotted an enemy of both of our planets years previously was seen but then the used their cloaking device that left only an outline of their starship on radar. When they left Pluto's air space the radar showed nothing. Then after two weeks of no intel at all the parliament officials decided it was a glitch in Pluto's radar system.

Ariel asked why if it wasn't a glitch . Her father replied time will tell.He asked her if she had decided if she wanted to become the highness of Vulcan of just a private citizen. She stated she still wasn't sure but she knew it would be very soon and she had just really met her grandfather and she didn't want to disappoint him. Her father Solkar said that her grandfather wouldn't be.

He told her that he wasn't upset when Solkar had decided to become a private citizen when the Earth let all countries decide if they wanted to close down their inter planet space program United States Congress and Senate along with the British parliament decided to close down their inter space program. He told her he was glad they had started it back up then added they have a long way to go to get it back up to speed. Ariel asked him how long it would take the United States to catch up on speed. He said it all depended on the head of their NASA program. getting that atmospheric chamber to work efficiently.

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