He explained to her that four of the nine planets changed the planet' exterior or interior parts to be able to either live on them or to use the planet for either storage or mining. The planets that could be lived on now has space centers on them He listed Earth, Venus and Mars, Pluto and Neptune. No life form on the That people of Pluto and Neptune was an excellent choice for marrying each other along with people from Venus and Mars according to their DNA profile. He then added and yes people from Earth and Vulcan's DNA is suitable for mating also.

She asked is people from Earth compatible with any other species except Vulcans. He replied people from other planets isn't compatible with other Earthlings and Vulcan People from Vulcan can marry other Vulcans or Earthlings and vise versa. if that helps you to understand She asked him then if she met a young man whose both parents are from Earth then they could marry. He answered her with yes just because you're half Vulcan you don't have to marry a Vulcan

Ariel asked Professor Pleurocoelus where is are other world located. He told her their other world was located seventeen light years away from the sun she looks at everyday in the Erridani constellation. He also told her it was time to go and study that world for awhile. She was pleased to go back especially since she had a human or half human translator with her.this time. She couldn't wait til she could speak that language also.

The Planet of Vulcan

On the way to Vulcan they used the Space Center's teleporter stationed on the USS Ambassador to teleport to Venus, Venus was also prettier. It had dug out caves from the planet's surface. The living quarters was very pretty especially at night when the lights sparkle through the crystals hanging from the ceiling of the cave. They were of different sizes and lengths.

Ariel was allowed to visit with the prime minister's daughter who was close to her earthly years while Professor Pleurocoelus had a talk with Venus' Prime Minister Omerian. The two young women had tea called Veni tea. it had an unusual taste but was pleasing to drink. In Venus a woman can be the royal leader if she is the first born in the family. Prime Minister Omerian asked him if Ariel knew who he was. he told her no she will closer to becoming twenty one when she has to decide on her own where she wants to live.

prime minister Omerian told him she had heard rumors of an upcoming up rise by an planet they thought they had taken care several years before. Pluto might have better intel on it but to be very safe on their journey. She was going to put her security force on a level five alert just in case it is true. They left wishing them to live long and prosperous using his hands in a peace gesture . That is how people from Vulcan says goodbye to their friends.

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